Ivanna_Nurse BSN, RN

CCU MICU Rapid Response

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All Content by Ivanna_Nurse

  1. Ivanna_Nurse

    Abdominal Hysterectomy & Bilateral Salpingoophrectomy

    Definitely the low uop... a signal of poss low bp, poor perfusion, overall low volume. I would expect some drainage, and a LOT more than 50ml of urine. :) Ivanna
  2. Ivanna_Nurse

    Oh MY GOD!!! I WANT TO WORK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a neat video :) Thanks for sharing! Ivanna
  3. Ivanna_Nurse


    Snowboardergirl, If a frustrated nurse is not to vent...what is she to do then??? Choke her coworkers and tell off her patients?? C''mon. The OP has a valid point, and is entitled to vent. Ivanna:twocents:
  4. Ivanna_Nurse

    Cruise Nurse Great job

    According to what I see online, you are at sea for like 6 months at a time and make 2000 to 2900 a month. I suppose thats gravy if you dont have any ties to land, cause you are getting room and board for free. Ivanna
  5. Ivanna_Nurse

    How to know if air is the problem in a g tube?

    How about a Lopez valve?? That would seal the g tube side, and provide a snug seal for the feed side. ~Ivanna
  6. I'd take the one that would stay forever and and ever. We need experienced nurses at the bedside to take care of the sickies and train the new ones that come every 2 years to replace the ANP and CRNA folks. :) Ivanna
  7. Ivanna_Nurse

    Remind me why I do this

    Suesquatch, I am so sorry that you feel this way, it sounds like it plain stinks! OK. So very simply put, you want the answer for why you do it. That is simple. Not for the residents or anyone else, but so you can pay your bills and have the abilit...
  8. Ivanna_Nurse

    Question about catheters...

    "I'm really glad Holly (I think that's her name) finally received her sterile cath kits." CamaroNurse, you made me LOL ~Ivanna
  9. Ivanna_Nurse

    TNCC in 2 days!!! CEN in 6 Days!!!

    Good luck on your CEN and TNCC!! I'm sure that you will do great :) I hope some job offers come your way. I am a transplant to SoFla and know what you mean with the job market. Hang in there! ~Ivanna
  10. Ivanna_Nurse

    Question about catheters...

    OOOooh. I am glad that I am not the only one.... I see the lady walking around and wonder the same things... I wondern if she is a paid actor, because it strikes me that someone that self caths would not be able to stroll around like she does. Hop...
  11. Never, I am not managerial, I just wanted to say that I feel for you. Keep your ear to the ground for internal openings and put out apps as necessary. Network when you go to your CE things, and get some extra certs like ACLS or PALS. Dont let the w...
  12. Ivanna_Nurse

    Another Waiting Game

    Hugs and prayers for you and your little sister. :) Ivanna
  13. 1. What is your age? 32 2. How long have you been a nurse? 4 years 3. Did you work as a CNA before becoming a nurse? yes 4. If yes to #3, how long did you work as a CNA before becoming a nurse? 6 months 5. If no to #3, do you wish that you had? 6. Re...
  14. Ivanna_Nurse

    Faint of heart

    At work I am superhuman.. blood guts bones poo whatever... at home, if I see the tiniest of scrapes on anyone I love, I become a blob of jello. I have learned if I think too much about the patient and if they are afraid or hurting, that the blood w...
  15. Ivanna_Nurse

    Is Nursing Bad (Too Stressful) for Pregnancy?

    Nurses have been having babies since the beginning of time... and those babies have lived and had their own! It will be ok. The previous posters have given some great advice. :) Congratulations on your pregnancy! Ivanna
  16. Ivanna_Nurse

    Aye "Dummie". Excuse Me!

    Hugs to you. :) I hope you dont have to work with her again for a very long time. Good luck with nursing school, and keep your chin up. Let her be an example of what not to be when you graduate! ~Ivanna
  17. Ivanna_Nurse


    I work 3 12hr nights. My husband works 10 to 6. Hubs takes them to school and I pick them up from aftercare between 4 and 5, after I have woken up and gotten ready. It works perfect, for the here and now. Ivanna
  18. Ivanna_Nurse


    Hey guys! d5 1/2 is hypertonic until the dextrose is metabolized, then it would be hypotonic. As others have said, its standard for a liter or two, then swapped out. cerebral edema, chf, elevated glucose are the only things that come to mind for a...
  19. Ivanna_Nurse

    Keeping Glucometers Clean

    we use the sani wipes on the glucometer between pts. My last job had gluco-chlor(?) wipes to use Q 24 as well. ~Ivanna
  20. Ivanna_Nurse

    UPS Drivers make HOW much????

    Haha [i read the same thing... maybe I need a brown uniform! :) I already iron and have good customer service skills! ~Ivanna
  21. Ivanna_Nurse

    Help with SIM "doctors order"

    yes you are right... its a syringe, iv push. 50% dextrose. You give it to hypoglycemic patients that arent able to take things orally. :) Good luck with your SIM lab! Ivanna
  22. Ivanna_Nurse

    Happy Easter To ME! (rant)

    Hey, I had about the same luck! I worked both sat and sun nites, and found out this am that it isn't even Holiday pay. I would have much rather been with my fam and going to church rather than playing with rectal tubes and taking care of patients th...
  23. Ivanna_Nurse

    What specialty are you??

    Hey there, I work Medical ICU... I see lots of older sick people whose bodies are failing them. It is very hairy at times, but I like having 2 patients and knowing everything about them because I do everything for them, (no LPNs or CNAs) I get to be...
  24. Ivanna_Nurse

    central lines protocols

    Well... I'd have a cxr done... you never know when one in the IJ snakes up instead of down!
  25. Ivanna_Nurse

    Talking to Physicians

    Fake it till ya make it. We all started there once. After some practice and getting familiar with the docs, it will be like butter on hot toast. Ivanna