Ivanna_Nurse BSN, RN

CCU MICU Rapid Response

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All Content by Ivanna_Nurse

  1. Ivanna_Nurse

    Nervous about HIPAA

    If you are super worried about it, remember everything that you have been taught up until this moment. Talk only of a patient with people pertinent to their care. Never discuss patients in the elevator or in the cafeteria, because you never know ex...
  2. Ivanna_Nurse

    preemployment drug screen

    I do agree with going asap. The sooner you go the less stressed you will be :) Ivanna
  3. Ivanna_Nurse

    Quit nursing school, now what?

    Wolfless, if its any consolation, I am kind of in the same boat, but a little farther down the creek. I just withdrew from the BSN program in the seventh week of school. I really didnt enjoy nursing school the first time around and struggled to fi...
  4. Ivanna_Nurse

    I Wish I Could Get Away with It...

    How about an anonymous email to the hospital and the school? Maybe that would put a bee in someone's bonnet without you looking like a bad guy?? I do totally agree with you and if I would have walked in on the same situation it would be me posting ...
  5. I'm pretty sure that regardless of the job description, you are held accountable to your level of training and scope of practice. I would check with your BON to be sure. :) Ivanna
  6. Ivanna_Nurse

    You know it's going to be a crazy night at work, when

    When theres a crash cart pulled into one of the rooms, and noone is to be seen. Orders are flagged, and charts untouched, and all of the wheeled chairs have kind of conglomerated in the middle of the station...like its a black leather chair herd. So...
  7. Ivanna_Nurse

    How much free time do you generally have as an RN?

    I work 3 12hr nites, sun mon tues. I scuba dive, I run races, I camp, I see my friends. I see those 3 days of work as a small inconvenience for the other 4 days of freedom. ~Ivanna
  8. Ivanna_Nurse

    Handoff tool for critical care?

    We implemented one as well. Systems on the front, updated each day in pencil. The back has columns for procedures and their dates as well as a bit of space to sum up anything noteworthy that may be lost in the cracks over the course of the patients ...
  9. Ivanna_Nurse

    What an evening. (kinda long)

    Wooh! You made it :) Put your feet up and relax! ~Ivanna
  10. Ivanna_Nurse

    Malpractice Insurance

    I also have NSO.. I will have to pull the policy and let you know. ~Ivanna 98.00 for 1mil each claim/ 6mil aggregate
  11. Ivanna_Nurse

    What scrubs do you like best?

    Koi has a cargo pant, I wear a small petite-Im 5ft and 120 lb. Try a small reg :) Ivanna
  12. Ivanna_Nurse

    What is your splurge?

    (salivating) barnes and noble satisfies my inner nerd every time... :)
  13. Ivanna_Nurse

    What is your splurge?

    I like bath and bodyworks for a little splurge, and express jeans for a big splurge. :)
  14. Ivanna_Nurse

    Pre-Nursing Nurse Camp!!!!!

    Patrick, I hope that camp rocks for you as much as it did last year! Have a great time, and make sure to come back and tell us about it! We will be waiting! :) Ivanna
  15. Ivanna_Nurse

    Possible Solutions to Nursing School Wait lists?

    JM...In my honest opinion... I think making someone teach is like making someone precept... how many threads have we seen about folks being with horrible preceptors?? Not everyone wants to teach, nor should they have to. Again, just my own opinion.. ...
  16. Ivanna_Nurse

    Would you travel overseas for a medical procedure?!

    i also work in the miami/ft lauderdale area as an ICU RN. I have seen lots of septic folks following a cosmetic vacay... they try to save money and it winds up costing soooo much more. You dont have time to be choosy about where you are going for me...
  17. Ivanna_Nurse

    Nurse is an Angel

    What a neat story, it sounds like a little bit of divine intervention. :) thanks for sharing, Ivanna
  18. Hey there, I work in an large ICU, and we administer protonix IV daily until they transition and are able to take po, then prevacid or po protonix starts. It is part of our vap protocol. :) Ivanna
  19. Ivanna_Nurse

    VENT - Caring for patients in 3 bed rooms

    Oh Lord.... I dont know how you do it, because I would be bald from pulling my hair out, and probably fired for running my mouth. :) Sorry its such a pain for you. Maybe they will remodel soon! Ivanna
  20. Ivanna_Nurse

    Happy Nurses Week!

    I dont know what they are doing at work, but I may make the infamous monkey bread or bring in some treats. Happy Nurses Day :) ~Ivanna
  21. Ivanna_Nurse

    Care Aide work vs. RN work?

    desk job? *snort* Okay. Maybe in some areas that may be the case. For me?? In Critical Care there is the blurring of all lines.. I am the secretary, the ordertaker offer, the lab drawer, phone answerer, the housekeeper and linen remover, the glove ...
  22. Ivanna_Nurse

    Mildred's Brand New Littman Stethescope

    Ruby, you always write the best stuff! :) Thanks for the giggles, Ivanna
  23. Ivanna_Nurse

    Would you go to the live NCLEX review?

    I scored about the same on the HESI and still attended the live review. Why not arm yourself with everything available to make sure you succeed? Good luck on NCLEX! :) Ivanna
  24. Ivanna_Nurse

    Where do people like me work?

    I agree with ICU!!! You get to be as anal, meticulous, and cautious as you want! :) Those are rocking qualities to have and much needed in the unit. :) Ivanna
  25. Ivanna_Nurse

    ICU Nurse working on floor- trouble with organization

    Squirtle, I dont have a whole lot of advice, but I wanted to say that I feel for you! :) Its a different mind set when they arent ICU. I am sure that you will get some great words of wisdom. Hang in there. ~Ivanna