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About oklamedic2011

oklamedic2011 has 2 years experience and specializes in SNF, LTAC.

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  1. Classes to take while waiting

    I would definitely knock out Chemistry, statistics etc. Look at the program advisement for any local RN to BSN program and go ahead and get a head start if that is the career path you are wanting to...
  2. Side business ideas for nurses

    I would love a
  3. Fun at Nursing School

    Just wanted to start a thread for people to share some fun memories they have/had in nursing school. Mine was from the very beginning of nursing school, when we were in the skills lab learning all...
  4. OCCC spring 2016

    August 1st through Sept 1st for the spring semester. It did also say that if you are transferring credits from an out of state college, there is a 2-4 week waiting period to verify etc. in regards to...
  5. OCCC spring 2016

    I will be starting Spring of 2016. The reason I chose this program over OCCC was the LPN career ladder. I have my LPN license and can jump right in, they do this at OCCC, but getting in is a lot...
  6. Salary Ettiquette

  7. Need some New Grad advice:(

    It might be a little farther south then you intended, but here in Oklahoma we are flooded with job openings for RN's...We cant seem to get enough. And being the 2nd best state to live in (cost of...
  8. good and funny comebacks?!!

    I just listen to what they say, then ask them to hold my bags of money I made "wiping
  9. OCCC spring 2016

    hello fellow Okie!! Unfortunately everyone I know, myself included, is going to the Rose State program. Sorry I couldnt provide any advice, just saw an Oklahoma post and had to say something
  10. How to deal with stereotypes and vicious people

    I just laugh in their face, then ask them to hold my bags of money. If that doesn't work, I like to go with the "I get to work with beautiful women on a daily basis, why wouldn't I pick this...
  11. As most people will say on here, call the Oklahoma BON and get clarification. But I will say from personal experience as someone who is graduating LPN in September, just make sure you have all the...
  12. Frustrated

    I know for a fact it is quite possible to go to school, graduate and get licensed without restrictions and have a felony conviction, my soon to be ex-wife graduated in December of last year, she has a...
  13. Article: Paramedics equal to RNs

    It is like comparing apples to oranges....both are fruits....both taste FANTASTIC...but 1 is red and 1 is orange. But in the Great Fruit Basket of Medicine they cozy right up next to each other. As a...
  14. Here I Come!

    congrats!! Make sure and look back and remember this enthusiasm when Nursing school gets into crazy mode....I know I sure did a few times
  15. Fundamentals Passed

    Congrats! Now keep that work ethic for when OB/Peds starts, it is a whole different animal. Best of luck to