Roy Hanson

Roy Hanson

as above

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About Roy Hanson

Roy Hanson has 36 years experience and specializes in as above.

involved in psych, med surg, morgue, any field that stirs the neurons & forces you to think

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  1. Nurses Are Leaving the Bedside In Droves

    no surprise! With management changing for the sake of the $$$$. wE SEE on this side of the border. Many supers & general management have no idea HOW to
  2. Methadone clinic job offer

    try it! for 3 to 6 months..your eyes will be opened as to drug addicts and how manipulative they can be. Be careful with what you see and discuss around your kids. A meth clinic are people 'trying' to...
  3. THAT GUT FEELING???!!!!!??

    follow your gut instinct! if it feels
  4. Taking manual bp on forearm

    no! manual BP...above the elbow, but which arm? Your a nurse? you should know your anatomy of the
  5. Being bullied at work

    find another
  6. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    watch your pay
  7. Being bullied at work

    time to find another job! if no one cares, especially within ear shot of patients, and boss lady dont care..time to move on. Unfortunately this is NOT an uncommon
  8. Pregnancy and nursing school

    its doable but timing is of the essence. remember, keep yourself clean of booze & drugs, and smoking during the 9 months. Give the kid a chance because everything you take in, the kid
  9. Why do you visit

    get used to aint gonna change. The $$$ is in command. A lot of hospitals in the usa are run like donut stores chains. We see that in Michigan. Loyality to the hospital has changed. Tis the...
  10. Why do you visit

    to read the silliness of hospitals and nursing staff. The management has evolved as poor quality supervisors who have no people skills. We saw evidence of this recently in a major teaching hospital in...
  11. Assessing the student on drugs

    define DRUGS..Pot, you can smell! If they are on presciption drugs, you need details..side effects etc. Pot you can smell, like cigarette smoke on clothing OR breath! Has your school a policy on kids...
  12. I don't do well under pressure. Pls help

    unless you have a private waiting room, get used to it! They are there for a reason! Help them, thats why you took the
  13. Nurse Innovators Hub - Our Latest Addition

    good to read so many comments! bad &
  14. why did you get into nursing in teh first
  15. used to be called GUIDANce councillor! IF you want to be a nurse..DO IT! For someone you dont know, this guidance councillor is awfully mouthy. If you think you can because a nurse, what is stopping...