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About jennylee321

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  1. NGT policies about days until removal for Neonates

    28 days but as said above you should also find out what manufacturer says some tubes are marketed for longer term
  2. sposue/partner present during labor and delivery

    No you can't use the doula research because the outcomes such as less intervention and better breastfeeding outcomes have been proven specifically for doulas but not
  3. Any advice for a new grad trying to stay afloat?

    And a 76 in leadership is fine, don't be so hard on yourself
  4. Peds Pulmonary Unit??

    Hope you like sputum! Kidding aside, it would be a great environment to start in
  5. Help! Not sure which unit to choose.

    "We promise the staffing will get better". I wouldn't believe that until it actually starts
  6. As seen on TV

    I know there was a big uproar among nurses when mcdreamy's ETT was only in at like
  7. Bare bones staffing

    Even without codes to consider, how about nurses being able to take the breaks they are legally entitled to. So yes minimum of
  8. New Grads in the ICU

    I feel like orientation plays a big factor in whether new grads are successful in critical care areas. Level 4 NICUs have been hiring new grads for years through children's hospital residencies....

    You can get into a very negative way of thinking after applying to so many positions and not hearing back. I'm sure many people can relate to this feeling. But be careful, this was of thinking can...
  10. RN in London, Ontario

    To clarify wasn't saying there's no chance LHSC will hire you but because everything is centralised through HR if they denied your application at this first point, the same thing will keep happening....
  11. I think most nurses have a pretty good sense of when other nurses are drowning. Whenever I'm super busy dealing with a decompensation or admission nearby nurses are typically either helping me or if...
  12. She needs to be held to a higher standard because she's the lead nurse, it isn't like she's just a peer so this behaviour needs to be addressed. There's a lot of nurses out there who love thinking...
  13. No one to talk to about nursing... Am I crazy?

    I think when we see connections between the Krebs cycle and our practice, these are special moments that we keep to ourselves because no one else earned this special moment Hahaha I actually explained...
  14. NICU visitation policies needed

    I don't think any non sibling children should be visiting, siblings only when their are childcare difficulties. It's difficult having small children in the NICU all the time and they spread germs like...
  15. Nurse Gives Lethal Dose of Vecuronium Instead of Versed

    I work in baby land where we double check almost all medications but I imagine paralytic should be a mandatory double