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All Content by txpixiedust

  1. Questions? For Postpartum Nurses

    I work Postpartum (12+ at night), and LOVE it! :) I oriented on days, but work nights. I love the nights - and not because it's easier - it's just different. The moms definitely don't sleep all night, so it's not a cake-walk. We usually start wit...
  2. counting the cost before committing

    Hi Flybaby1, It looks like you're concerned with 2 areas - safety and entry positions.... There are certainly risks that come with Nursing in general - since we are "exposed" to our patients every time we go to work. However, the degree to which you...
  3. Which would you pick?

    If you want to work in Womens & Childrens Services I think you should take the job in that unit. I work PP, and love it. Also....the unit clerks in our unit know so much that would be helpful to you when you are in RN in that unit. I'm a newbi...
  4. A doctor helps children change their gender

    I'm sure I'll get flamed....but everyone has a right to their own opinion..... I think it's wrong. God knit each of us together in the womb of our mothers and that is exactly how he meant us to be - either male or female.
  5. I don't know what to do (literally!)...

    No offense Melinurse, but the OP can take a CPR class and know what to do if the mom collapses or the baby turns blue! I teach CPR, and I've had a lot of non-medical people actually pay more attention & retain what they've learned than SEASONED ...
  6. I don't know what to do (literally!)...

    You are definitely not a lost cause, I'm sorry someone said that! I'm a firm believer that if God put a dream in your heart there is a way to make it happen - no matter how long it takes, so don't be discouraged!!! :) I'm not sure about requirements...
  7. I need encouragement.....

    Well.....I graduated from Nursing school in May 2007 - a few days after turning 34. And I, too function like a single mom (separated with little to no help, etc.). I think as a mom, especially one in our position, it's hard -but it CAN be done! :wi...
  8. LPN to RN, BSN, or MSN

    If you transition from LPN to RN (either ADN or BSN program) you are an RN. As an RN, your duties in a hospital setting/bedside, would be essentially the same as an LPN. There are a few things LPN's aren't allowed to do - such as give blood, perfor...
  9. Which classes would benefit?

    how in the world does your adn program not include pharmacology?!? if it isn't included then by all means, take it! well...if her program is anything like mine was, it's worked into every test you have! uhh. anyhow....as far as what kind of classes ...
  10. Floor Nurses: When medicating your new admission....

    We have an E-MAR, so I click back through the last day and count the number of pills they were given for certain drugs with limits per 12/24 hours, etc. I guess we're really lucky. Maybe you can be the nurse to make a change in your hospital and mak...
  11. Test Questions! Need some Advice!

    Hi skygirlhil, I'm a PP RN, and we get a lot of parents who think their baby has blood in their diaper, and are quite concerned. Not sure what you had in mind with your scenario, but that's what first came to mind. What the parents think is blood i...
  12. How much difference in pay do two year rn's get than four yr??

  13. What would you do in this situation?

    Our hospital has a Perinatal Loss Class, that while hard to sit through(I took my own kleenex and cried quite a bit!), it was a awesome class. I'm a PP RN, and I'm so glad the class is mandatory for all L&D, PP, Newborn Nursery, NICU, and Specia...
  14. Student politely asking for help

    Hi Shenanigans, I'm in Postpartum, not L&D or ER, so I don't have any ectopic loss stories to share. However, I took a 4 hour Perinatal Loss class as part of my internship, and learned that women with a loss at any stage of pregnancy can grieve ...
  15. Med-Surg before Mother/Baby as a New Grad?

    I'm 34 and KNEW I couldn't stand to work in Med/Surg!!! God Bless the RN's who can work it, but I had more than enough of it in Nursing school! I've always wanted to work with women & children. During Nursing school I thought I wanted to work ...
  16. L&D nurses that think its just a job....

    I think it's unfair to say that L&D Nurses "think it's just a job." Like Hope3456 said, it's hard for people (of any career set) to juggle their personal lives with their work life. And really, to be a well-rounded individual we should spend ou...
  17. What should I expect to buy?

    Hi BiologyNerd, As a student nurse we were req'd to get a stethoscope, bp cuff, bandage scissors, pen light, and a PDQ book - pocket size, perfect for carrying with you to clinicals. We weren't req'd to buy/carry thermometers because the hospital us...
  18. I work at Disney World now!!

    This is interesting thread and kinda scary. I actually tell people my "dream" job is to be a RN at WDW someday - when my son is grown and gone. ha. I LOVE Disney, and WDW! We are taking a trip there in December, to celebrate my graduation from Nur...
  19. EEK! There's a MAN in my room!

    suesquatch "and quoting folk tales codified as god's word to criticise me doesn't make your point, nor does it make you gentle. it makes you passive-aggressive. " i think the point was that the traits mentioned in the bible as the fruits of the spiri...
  20. Lubbock Job Market?

    I don't currently live in Lubbock - but I grew up there, still have family there, and visit. Many of my family members work at hospitals in Lubbock. - some as RN's. There are /were 3 big hospitals in Lubbock - I believe two of the Hospitals merged ...
  21. domestic abuse assessment

    Hi DrKing, I'm a RN (ADN May 2007) still taking classes towards my BSN, and one of the classes I'm taking right now is a Family Violence class. I've really learned a lot this semester, about recognizing signs of abuse and how to help victims. Durin...
  22. blood thinners

    Hi misslo, I teach AHA (American Heart Association) First-Aid & CPR classes. I've also taken a Red-Cross First Aid Class at my community college (3 years ago). I think you should check out the American Heart Association website - they have tons...
  23. mother dies after refusing blood transfusion

    hey navyvet, unfortunately i think this discussion would be better in person than on a message board - even if we didn't agree. i never meant to imply i'm the only true believer -just that there are plenty of people who go to church for social reaso...
  24. It is most assuredly against the law to fire someone because they are pregnant. You are also allowed 3 months of leave, thanks to the Family Leave Protection Act. This law entitles you to unpaid time off because of giving birth, adoption, family il...