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All Content by txpixiedust

  1. mother dies after refusing blood transfusion

    all red text is quoted from navyvet post. we also have other people in this thread who are angry and bitter over the perceived slights to their religions, which is a bit humorous since all these religions are supposed to be about love, rainbows, butt...
  2. mother dies after refusing blood transfusion

    [i think she just felt that saving her son's life was far worth important than religion. so there..] I'm not a JW (I'm a Christian), but I think that was tacky at best. I bet if you asked your boyfriends grandmother, she probably suffers from a lot ...
  3. EEK! There's a MAN in my room!

    Some people (for a variety of reasons, mostly due to religion or up-bringing) are more reserved and don't want a man to "see them naked", etc. I think these same people force themselves to endure a MD looking at them because they feel they have to a...
  4. Assisting handicapped person to public bathroom

    I'm so sorry you had this happen to you! I know it's not the same thing, but that made me think of my son - he has mild TS (simple motor & verbal tic's only) and people often stare or make rude comments. Now that you've experienced this, you ca...
  5. Help?

    If you know you want to be an RN and work in a hospital - I say GO FOR IT and start applying to every ADN or BSN program in your area. The college I went to had an ADN program( 2 years ), LVN program(18 months), & LVN-RN program(1 year). So.....
  6. new graduate cover letter help needed thanks!!

    I bought a great Nursing book that had sample resumes and cover letters. Look for one at a Half-Price book store, you'll likely find one there. What it suggested was to have an Educational Experience section and a Professional Experience section a...
  7. Nursing opportunites

    Look into insurance claims and pharmaceutical sales - I've heard of a lot of RN's who go into those areas. The pharm sales is good money, too! Good Luck & God Bless!:balloons: txpixiedust
  8. getting a NICU position

    I'd say start looking for internship positions at any hospital (especially the larger hospitals like Baylor, etc.) in your area. Internships start in January & June - but they begin interviewing for them 2-3 months before the start date. It's t...
  9. RN or CNA, considering my kids

    My opinion - don't work, but go back to school. School will be tough enough - you don't need to add working to the mix. Yes, a job as a CNA would be helpful with learning what patient care is like, but it's not necessary to be a great RN. When my...
  10. low overall gpa, high prereq gpa?

    I'm taking courses at TWU to get into the RN-BSN program. I think there are a few other courses that are considered pre-req's - another Math course, a Womens's Studies, Fine Arts, etc. - but maybe that's for the RN-BSN instead of ABSN. If you go ...
  11. Some helpful suggestions please?

    First you need to check with the Board of Nursing in your state, to see if you would be allowed to take the test. If you are, then I'd find a refresher course and take that. I believe in Nursing school, we were told that you had to pass the test wi...
  12. I forgot to mention you should look into getting ANY type of job (although a Nurse Assistant job would be great for hands on care) in a Hospital that has tuition reimbursment. Most hospitals will pay for some or all of your Nursing school, with the ...
  13. Hi Rayna, I think a BSN is more than enough to start your Nursing career. The MSN programs here (although maybe the programs in your area don't) require that you work as a RN for at least one year before getting into the MSN program. Also, like on...
  14. mother dies after refusing blood transfusion

    {I am not too much into religion but I've always been taught and believed that God forgave all sins, would this have been an exception? } I'm not a JW, but I am a Christian - so that's where my point of view is going to be on this. I think regardles...
  15. Why you like nursing?

    As a Christian, reading your post, my first thought was that you should finish the divinity program since you're in your third year - and then maybe pursue some kind of medical training (Nursing, EMT, Paramedic,etc). Maybe God is preparing you for m...
  16. I need your opinions please

    I think it's awesome that at your young age you know what you want to do! I say go for it! If God put the dream in your heart, He'll help it come true. As far as going to school - get your GED, and then begin taking the basic pre-req's needed to ge...
  17. does anyone have any wise advice for me?

    This isn't a correction - just a little more detailed answer. The quickest route may have more to do with how "easy" it is to get into the various programs in your area. Several members on this site have stated that it was faster for them to get int...
  18. Re-entering Hospital Setting

    I don't live in Austin....so I'm not sure which hospitals/specialty would be best there. But I'd say L&D! I have a question for you though.....I just graduated in May, and I'm pretty sure we were told you only have to take a refresher course if...
  19. Im doubgting myself..can I really become a Nurse?

    Don't let rejection letters keep you from doing something you really want to do. Unfortunately more people want to get into nursing school than there are avaialble slots. Apply to several schools, and keep taking whatever courses you can. As far ...
  20. Normal shift hours

    Hi Tim, Yes, most nurses work 12 hour shifts - and those are 7am - 7pm or 7pm-7am. Some hospitals still offer 8 hour shifts, and those are usually 3pm-11pm. As far as shift differentials - that varies from hospital to hospital. Most hospitals pay $...
  21. Career Change

    Hi Kaybug, It can be done, but like anything worth doing it can be hard sometimes. What I would suggest is that you get the list of prerequisite classes at a few schools you're considering first. Then start by taking only 1-2 classes, since you are...
  22. 14 years ago when I went to college for the first time, I was a music major- and had a small music scholarship. I loved playing violin in the orchestra - theres nothing like it. I was young and stupid however, and away from home for the first time....
  23. Hi! I'm going to start the ADN program this Fall at Grayson. I got my acceptance letter last Saturday, orientation is 8/12, and we start 8/30. I'm really excited about getting in & getting started! :) If you're going to Grayson, I'd love to ...
  24. Vaccination & Titers question

    HA HA HA....Am I new to this or what? Well I just read my own post and saw that the post I responded to is a year old. Maybe someone else that reads this in the future will be helped. Oh well. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)