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About luvmybabes

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  1. Tired

    I am tired. I have been in the NICU since 2002. I have seen management come and go. They usually don't last long. The Supervisor we have now wiggled her way into this position. I didn't get along...
  2. NAS, How do you score?

    Thanks for the input. We only start morphine if they have 3 scores above 8 or 2 scores above 12. We have new nurses that I feel don't understand the scoring
  3. NAS, How do you score?

    I work in a 20 bed NICU and 25% of our babies suffer from NAS. How does your facility handle scoring these babies? We use the Finnegan scoring system and recently they decided they want us to check...
  4. 8 weeks of orientation

    Absolutely not, 12 weeks for level 2 NICU orientation, work with level 2 babies for a while, then 12 weeks orientation into level 3 Nicu
  5. Floating

    I just returned to work after a FMLA of 4.5 months. I am on restricted hours, 6 hours per day for 2 weeks. I was to work Fri, Sat, and Sun. Fri and Sat were going to be refresher days. I needed to...