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All Content by lorichka6

  1. 7 months in and I'm finally feeling good

    Thanks for posting. I just started in July too and it was just a few weeks ago when it suddenly dawned on me that I was sleeping through the night with no work-anxiety dreams :) I too thought that day might never come - even though everyone said it...
  2. Transfering to peds- what to review?

    Everyone says drug stuff so I'll skip that. Make sure you know where your hospital's formulary is and be sure to use it. You may start using syringe pumps now for lots of meds. Depending on the nurse you talk to at my hospital the list of meds tha...
  3. Ideal diabetic diet?

    Still have pancreatic function? Then exercise, exercise. In studies from the 70s researchers were able to totally reverse T2D with exercise. Strength training too - more muscle = more "sponge" to soak up glucose. Diet wise - I'm a huge endorser ...
  4. So glad I'm not the only one!

    We sound like we are in pretty similar boats (and our husbands are in the I-don't-know-how-to-help-you boat right next to us). I tried to send a PM but I don't have enough posts to do that :) If you ever need another total newbie to brainstorm with...
  5. Fluids with + KCl

    I'm a new peds nurse (just off orientation) and I have been wondering about the frequency that fluids are ordered with K. Most of what is ordered for these kiddos (general peds floor) is D51/2NS + 10 or 20K. Very few ever actually have low K. I ev...
  6. Background: new nurse, graduated in May, started in July. Career change after a very difficult job loss in a profession I loved (teaching). No hospital experience prior to nursing school. Spent 3 months on orientation, 1 month off then switched un...
  7. Do I take too long to learn new skills?

    Thanks for the tips everyone! A few things: I left out details to remain somewhat anonymous. The reason I changed floors is a bit complicated. Really it was a lateral move - the unit just has a different population that makes it a little higher a...