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About randa77

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  1. You know I quit coming to this website for advice, assistance, and help a while back. I have seen the way a lot of people on here attack and criticize posters for no apparent reason. I feel sorry for...
  2. Well gee you were alot of help. You only bashed me for what I didn't want. You offered nothing
  3. I am just now starting classes for a bachelor's degree in Healthcare Administration. I don't want to waste my time and money if I can not do something with the degree in the end.
  4. Yes, I am aware of this. I in no way, shape, or form said it was going to be easy. I was looking for ideas/suggestions for a pathway. If you can not provide that information please do not
  5. What type of environment do you work in with no weekends and holidays. Hospital or private
  6. I know I don't want to be a nurse manager. I don't really know what type settings are out there...that is the
  7. Is this LTC facility trying to take her license?

    Oh my! How
  8. Hi all! I need help in deciding what I can do with a nursing career. I have been employed as an LPN for four years. I want a management type career. I don't want to be an RN in the true sense of an...
  9. How much do you make 2016

    Apparently, I am in the wrong job. Alabama, Specialty Clinic $13.31/hr I work in a very busy specialty clinic. I have 2-3 hours OT every week and I am TOTALLY exhausted at the end of the day. I sit...
  10. Good luck! I took the 2014 version on 11/20. I made a 70% (89% of passing NCLEX on first try). My school requires 90% pass rate for NCLEX! Myself and other classmates will take the 2011 version a...
  11. Congratulations everybody!! Good
  12. mandimarie Yes, you will get a letter in a regular Shelton
  13. Congratulations andrea0895!! Nursetoobe look for a big yellow envelope. Good
  14. No. I just reapplied after I finished
  15. Keep trying! I applied twice and was accepted on the second application. I have no idea how many points I had. I didn't know you could find that out lol. I'm not an A student at all! I make Bs on...