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All Content by _alishahope

  1. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I had my interview on 7/28
  2. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    My stats are not as competitive as everyone else's, but I put all of my heart into my personal statement and I had a great interview. Overall gpa 3.1 Natural sciences 3.25 TEAS 74 This is what is on nursingCAS but when I calculated them myself my g...
  3. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Thank you!! I just requested to join the FB group! What is the official UTMB spring 2015 group?
  4. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I got accepted! Congrats to everyone! Can't wait to meet y'all :)
  5. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Does anyone know if the interviewers are a part of the Admission Committee?
  6. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    For those of you who have yet to be interviewed: I had my interview on Monday with Professor Alton and think it went well! She was super nice and friendly. She literally had a sheet of standard questions they have to ask and a lot of y'all have alrea...
  7. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Hi guys, I am new to the thread and just read everyone's comments! Congratulations to those of you already accepted! I am sure you are relieved and obviously super excited. I have my interview on Monday afternoon and was extremely nervous before read...