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All Content by dwadame

  1. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    My stats are not incredible. I have a 3.3 undergraduate GPA from Texas A&M and a science GPA of 3.4. I also have a 3.9 GPA for my Masters of Science from Texas A&M and my teas score I believe was 80.
  2. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    My interview was July 25th so it would have been 5 weeks this Friday!
  3. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Yes mystar changed too! Send good vibes your way!!
  4. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Just got my email!!! I am in!!
  5. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Do we know for sure if the admissions committee met yesterday?
  6. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Good Morning Everyone! Has anyone recently contacted the office of admissions for any updates?
  7. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    For all those who got accepted, when do you have your interview? Congratulations!!!!
  8. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I have not heard anything...
  9. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I heard that your mystar will change first then you will get an email! I hoping we found out something today or tomorrow!
  10. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Has anyone heard anything?
  11. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I think everything will be fine. We just got to wait it out. I interviewed with Dr. ****! She was awesome and really informative about the program and what would be expected.
  12. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    I had my interview last Friday, who do you all interview with?
  13. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    For all those who have been accepted, was there any part of the interview that threw you for a loop?
  14. UTMB Spring 2015 Applicants

    Good Afternoon Everyone! I am new to the blog! I just got my email today for an interview! My interview is on Friday. Are there any males who have already interviewed? If so, what did you wear: a full suit or just business casual? Thanks for the...