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  1. 4 hours between shifts

    Yes, it seems that your employer is playing fast and loose with YOUR license! Find out the laws in your state PRONTO...file a complaint if need be.
  2. Patients who steal from the ER

    How awful! Seems to me the gov't is acting quite petty by not replacing linens when needed ... or do they blame the poor veteran in the bed for the theft?
  3. Patients who steal from the ER

    Hmmm, thoughtless thieves, but VERY strong!
  4. Patients who steal from the ER

    Their tune will change when their bottom line takes a nosedive and they figure out how much stuff walks out their doors. Nothing gets attention like red ink.
  5. It's a Hospital, Not a Hotel (Gripe)

    Hmmm, a bit anxious wasn't she!
  6. The Doctor of Nursing (ND) Degree

    FPB has offered the ND degree for many years (at least 25 that I know of). Great school, but you will work hard to earn that degree! VERY hard. Good luck to
  7. doctor with unprofessional personal life

    She may be in a box in her own life. Don't condemn her for the actions of her husband. Sometimes its very easy to tell patients to do something, but when it comes to your own spouse, it becomes quite...
  8. Life-changing decision...and I'm stumped

    I'm happy to see that you recognize in yourself the things that seem to be an important part of the nursing profession that may be missing in action in your own makeup. No crime in that. I've seen so...
  9. Why do unit nurses have bad reps?

    I couldn't have said it better myself! Especially the "pointless and juvenile and not at all worthy of professional women and men" part. You have my profound admiration and respect!
  10. Why do unit nurses have bad reps?

    When are we all going to learn to get along before our petty differences and prejudices destroy our
  11. I'm the nosy lady in walmart. Woopsie.

    If you read about a child's death in the paper or hear of it on the TV, and realize it's the culprit (er mother) you had words with, be sure you report to the police what happened and her reaction so...
  12. How old is too old?

    Good heavens, I HOPE you aren't too old. I'm 58 and looking at the same thing! (College that
  13. Forced retention?

    I also agree, though, that if you are leaving one position for another but in a related facility, they may be able to hold up your change which would be a transfer rather than a
  14. Forced retention?

    If you are in a right to work state, you should be able to terminate whenever you want just as your employer can terminate you whenever they want. Did you sign a contract? Did you sign on to work...
  15. Doctors "firing" patients

    That we will never have to defend this guy. Sooner or later someone will sue him and he will have no allies, no one to understand his side of the story. I suppose this is a good example of the old...