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All Content by futurenurseRMH

  1. Hi everyone! I know it's a little early, but is anyone out there applying to HCC's Nursing program starting Spring 2016? I am, and I'm dying for this semester to be over so I can submit my app! Just wanted to start the discussion since no one else ha...
  2. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I'm buying a Littmann stethoscope. That's the best and used by several docs and nurses. I also have a blood pressure cuff, cause I'm sure we'll need one for lab practice and for at home practice.
  3. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I'm heading down there to turn my in tomorrow. Lol Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine, your name is on it that should be enough. I highly doubt that error is enough to lose/effect your seat!
  4. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Good luck to you!!!!!!!
  5. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    You never got it Saturday..? I really hope you get in, considering my GPA was lower than yours, I'm sure you are accepted!
  6. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I can't believe we have possibly have to wait up until Oct 12th for campus assignments..I guess it is so they have enough time to get the accepted seat forms, and get the alternates in their seats...I need to know NOW. I don't like all this waiting!
  7. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Pre req GPA because that's the one they use to rank the applicants
  8. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    OMG I got in! With a 3.38 GPA! Can't believe it!
  9. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I'm in Spring Hill and have no idea if I got my letter cause I'm not home...freaking out. Do any of you that got letters live near there?
  10. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Congrats yayis!!
  11. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Congrats tequila!!
  12. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Thanks for the words of encouragement 😊 yea I'm hoping the TEAS factor helps me. Good luck to you!
  13. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I'll only be gone til Monday, so no not long. I have zero confidence in my GPA anyhow, I'll be lucky to get an alternate spot. Just going by past Spring threads.
  14. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! And OF COURSE I'll be gone on vacation starting tonight...pleh! Oh well lol. Awesome news!
  15. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Gahhhhhhhh I can't wait til I see the first "My letter came!" post...hoping everyday will be the day! 😫😑
  16. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I really need Dale Mabry nights/weekends, anything else just wouldn't work.
  17. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Hey, I have a question about lab times..I'm not sure if you attend the evening/weekend program, but do they make those accessible during those times? How many lab hours must you complete per week? And I'm guessing it's mandatory? On the HCC nursing p...
  18. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Thank you for emailing them! God I hope we find out in Sept...really not thrilled with waiting through October...
  19. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Ok it was just hard to tell in text lol. I agree, I'm constantly laughing and joking around as a way to cope with stressful times! And just in general lol
  20. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Oh ok. No no, didn't mean to sound like I was attacking you! This is all just BS! LOL
  21. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I detest trying to get anything done over the phone when it comes to HCC...
  22. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Maybe that was just some random person in admissions..no thread I've seen has anyone waited into October for their letters.
  23. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Seriously?!? The little flyers they had for nursing applicants sitting right outside the Health Sci offices said 12-15 weeks from app deadline...😖
  24. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I just went to the student services building at Dale Mabry to handle some business and saw a staff member going in and coming out of the Health Sciences office a few times...It took everything in my power not to grab her by the collar and scream "TEL...
  25. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    It took awhile for my HCC application and my pre reqs to be marked as reviewed and received (guessing those are the two in question cause I saw other people with the same issue) it'll take a little while to be reviewed but it will. I'm taking Spanish...