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All Content by futurenurseRMH

  1. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I don't see why it would be a problem to take the test the same day of the app deadline. You get the results immediately (a printed out copy), just throw that paper in with your app if you're worried it won't be in the system or something. I took my ...
  2. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    It was a hard test, the science killed me...since everyone thinks it's hard I feel more comfortable sharing my score. I got a 61.3%! 😰😱😅 skin of my teeth..I didnt study as hard since I knew we have two attempts lol...
  3. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Hi! Good luck on your TEAS exam! The application says 12-15 weeks from the application deadline. According to past Spring threads, they received their letters in September. I am only applying to HCC, as I need a night/weekend program...but Pasco Hern...
  4. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Thanks, I need all the luck I can get 😰. Good luck to you too!
  5. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Just turned in my application an hour ago....the wait starts..
  6. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Oh no!!! Well you could retake, but you obviously would have to wait to apply to the nursing program...since you have to wait 90 days between TEAS attempts. It is pretty hard...just try again, you can do it! Even if it means putting off nursing schoo...
  7. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Thanks for the encouragement 😊 and good luck to you. I'm really, REALLY not looking forward to this long wait! It's wayyy too long to wait for an answer!
  8. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Yea I'm thinking I may get an alternate seat..maybe. My downfall is I am only able to do DM nights/weekends, so with an alternate seat it might be harder to trade with someone. Oh well, we'll see. I'm probably turning my app in today or tomorrow.
  9. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    So the grades are in...looks like I'm applying with a 3.38, I'm embarrassed...not feeling confident whatsoever. I tried so hard, got nothing but A's and B's...ughh, oh well. 😕
  10. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Yay! Good job!
  11. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Hi! I think you'll definitely get in with that GPA! Good luck on your TEAS exam!
  12. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Ok sounds like a plan! Lol! Glad to hear you talked to an advisor about your GPA, that makes me feel a little better!
  13. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Okay, well if you get Dale Mabry nights/weekends, TRADE MEEE! LOL. 3 classes in summer?!? Wow! Procrastination is my biggest flaw...I'm gonna have to work on that.
  14. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Hi! Good luck getting A's this semester! What campus/time are you hoping for? What were those 2 semesters of nursing school like? I'm interested to know!
  15. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    YES! Good luck
  16. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Nursing programs** not campuses...😋😆 why did I say that..?
  17. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Oh, then you'll do fine. Seriously, you'll score good enough. I really can't consider other campuses, because I need that evening/weekend schedule to keep my job...I really don't wanna add a job search to all the chaos going on with applying! Lol. Pa...
  18. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Yea I was kinda surprised that no one had started one either, considering how close it is to the end of the semester and the application deadline. As far as the TEAS, I'll be honest, since we have two attempts, I didn't take studying as seriously as ...
  19. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    I've been stalking these types of boards for some time, and the lowest I've seen get in for Spring was a 3.42 (really in and not an alternate, and that was under last Spring's board)...so we may be ok or at least an alternate. Yes, I'm in Anatomy too...
  20. Hillsborough Community College Spring 2016 Applicants

    Yay, someone else lol! So what campus/time are you hoping for? I'm need Dale Mabry evening/weekend, otherwise I won't be able to do it...and with my probable GPA I definitely will have to trade with someone cause I won't get my first pick. My GPA is ...
  21. Hillsborough Community College Fall 2015

    Hi Blair! I plan on applying for the Spring 2016 class as well. I'm curious how many acceptances the program gives too..which campus are you hoping for? I'm hoping for Dale Mabry eve/weekends.
  22. Hillsborough Community College Fall 2015

    Well, I passed! (Just barely)..luckily they're not going by the highest scores! Lol
  23. Hillsborough Community College Fall 2015

    Alicat, So I'm taking the TEAS tomorrow..not anywhere near prepared for it 😑...I've seen other people get print outs of their score immediately after testing, did HCC do this? I'm embarrassed for anyone to see what I score...probably gonna have t...
  24. Hillsborough Community College Fall 2015

    It's just shocking because in past threads, tons of applicants were posting and conversating well before the application deadline (cause I've stalked every HCC nursing class on here for awhile haha
  25. Hillsborough Community College Fall 2015

    I can't believe no applicants have posted here yet! Lol