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All Content by Scaffidi87

  1. To be or not to be

    Hi I'm 26 years old and I'm a NICU nurse. Been working in a level II/III NICU for the last 2.5 years. I say II/III because looking at the criteria for leveling a NICU, our NICU is in between. We can take babies as low was 24 weeks but we don't do sur...
  2. To be or not to be

    Would you advise to try going some where a little closer to home first? So if maybe I have a couple off in a row and I'm home sick I could just drive home lol I don't live alone...but I did at one point I live with my parents...I really like living a...
  3. To be or not to be

    However I know a NICU nurse that travelled to a surgery center and was taking car of level iv infants the day after her orientation lol
  4. To be or not to be

    Thank you :)