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  1. New Job.....First Day Jitters

    How was your first
  2. Is 52 to old for starting nursing program

    No Way! I have two friends one who is 55 and the other is 56 and they are now doing their pre-reqs for nursing and they are amazing- Time has changed and age is no longer a
  3. LPN/LVN rate of pay in your area.

    Job prosepects are very good in an Acute Care Setting- UCSF is a great hospital to take a look at as well as all of the Kaiser Permanante Medical Centers sprouted around. I would highly reccommend...
  4. LPN/LVN rate of pay in your area.

    She probably ment it in a way that could not be translated correctly on the
  5. I need a pick me up...please!

    Try to take this opportunity to spend a few extra hours with the will graduate one way or the other, Then after you graduate have a little graduation party with the friends that you...
  6. What was the cost of your LPN school

    Let us know how you
  7. Anyone in CA about to start LVN Program?

    Gurnick Academy if you are in Northern
  8. LPN/LVN rate of pay in your area.

    $28.50/hr in San Francisco,
  9. What was the cost of your LPN school

    My LVN program costs $18,900- Its a Vocational School and we finish in 14 mos... Man am I paying to much or