

Trauma/Surgery ICU

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About NatalieBridges

NatalieBridges has 5 years experience and specializes in Trauma/Surgery ICU.

I've been a trauma/surgery ICU RN for over five years now at a major urban hospital. I love trauma, adventure, cooking, and writing about my nursing tales.

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  1. Becoming a Working Nurse Mom

    This is a post about motherhood, or maybe about being a working mom, or maybe about changing my nursing career to fit the needs of my family and me. Maybe it's a post about everything, about how lots of things in life get intertwined in strange and c...
  2. Sometimes I wonder how to maintain a balance. Just the other day I watched a man in his early forties, who had come to the hospital after an accident, bleed to death. With his leg wrenched off, a mess of shreds of flesh and coagulated blood, he had r...