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All Content by sky_limit

  1. Is there any CRNA schools that did not fill seats

    Much obliged, Sandman. 47 is what I wanted to hear. : )
  2. Is there any CRNA schools that did not fill seats

    I am very seriously considering doing this. My main concern is the age requirement. I see somebody above posted they *thought* the age limit to enter the Army as a nurse was 47. I did read the requirements link provided, but didn't see anything abo...
  3. Houston Community College ADN

    I'm wondering the same thing myself. Maybe if we bump this to the front page someone will see it. I did run a search here, and somethings came up on a particularly bad teacher that folks were having serious trouble with, but that is old information....
  4. After graduation present.......

    Ahhh. A trip abroad. Morocco.
  5. Relocating to Houston - Where Can I Get Training?

    Other 2-year programs (ADN) in the greater Houston area: Jacinto Community College (southeast of Houston) Lee College (east of Houston) both are also good programs As far as jobs: With the world-renowned Texas Medical Center and more physicians per ...
  6. texas?

    Which is your nursing school? I'm curious. I'm originally from Texas, now in California. I was considering going back to Texas for nursing school because there is also a big shortage of nursing schools here where I live now. My friend told me the...
  7. Considering moving to Sacramento CA, advice?

    Another thing I just thought of, Elle: If you live in San Francisco proper (and even some parts of Oakland and Berkeley), you will not need a car. In fact, to have a car in SF is actually a liability. Parking is a HUGE hassle. So you wouldn't have...
  8. Considering moving to Sacramento CA, advice?

    Hi ellescorpio: I'm from Texas, now living in the San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland, to be exact....just across the bay). It is very nice here. And it is also very expensive here. Yes, yes, I knew rent would be substantially higher (mine more than t...