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  1. Be careful here though, not every worker/company in the USA is covered. There are some qualifiers--such as company size and length of
  2. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    " "I can't believe she's not breastfeeding"(to be fair those are really "breast nazi's") " Or they are caring people who are advocating for the child who has no voice in the matter. It is better for...
  3. How long did you breastfeed?

    My son will be 3 in April and is "still"
  4. I'm a fall starter too! I'm enrolled at a community college in Maine as a general studies major to take 2 pre-reqs and start the "co-reqs" and will 'apply' (everyone who completes the nursing...
  5. NET & TEAS test

    I bought the same manual to study for the NET. I read it and took the A practice test about 3months before my NET. I only got a couple wrong so I didn't worry about preparing any more than that. I...