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About ali_gator

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  1. I find it very interesting that somebody who is not a nurse, or even nursing student, has so many strong opinions about the profession. Just something to chew
  2. "Nurse Quacktitioner."

    I'm not at all bothered by the doll; it think it's rather cute! I am, however, distressed that these so-called "professionals" would delight in degrading the nursing profession. I'm suprised that...
  3. Breast Implants

    Hi Leslie, I think I did not effectively communicate what I meant to say. American society is, indeed very focused on beauty. I meant to point out that the western world does see the mind as a...
  4. Breast Implants

    I must ask-- why is it such a big deal to you? Since Western society is so heavily influenced by liberalism, we are viewed as "mental" as opposed to "physical" beings anyway. Our bodies are seen as...
  5. I read the book and found it very informative, but also rather depressing. I often wonder what I'm getting myself into, and if I can handle working in the volitile enviornment described in the book....
  6. Breast Implants

    I have breast implants. I love them! I went from a 34B to about a 34-36D. Even on my 5' 7", size 6 frame, they look fairly natural. My surgeon did an outstanding job. (Lovely man, by the way.) I...
  7. Long Term Goals

    Nurses have more career options now than ever before. Today, many nurses work in areas such as health policy, academics, etc. I think it would be fun to discuss our long term goals; I plan to go to...
  8. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    Also, Parasmom, I don't think a CNM is any more likely to stretch the truth than other providers. Every CNM I have met has been extremely professional. Most deliver in hospitals, so I their patients...
  9. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    When I have a child, barring any complications, I plan to use a CNM. I'm not a "nature nazi," I just don't want any unnecessary medical procedures. I think that every woman should fully explore her...
  10. why do people think doctors are so superior?

    Believe it or not, this subject was brought up in my Philosophy class. Because we live in a Capitalist society (and Capitalism is strongly rooted in Liberalism) work that is physical is not as valued...
  11. MD works as RN

    I'm studying hard to become a nurse because I want to be a NURSE. No slight to you... I just wanted to clarify that.:) I'm at a top Women's college, getting my BSN; I've worked hard to get where I...
  12. Listen up: I don't belittle the education or efforts of anyone! I both respect and appreciate how hard MDs have to work. That having been said, I expect to graduate from my BSN program about...
  13. "Just" a nurse? You can do so much better!

    It's good to know that there are smart people in this
  14. "Just" a nurse? You can do so much better!

    I would also like to add that three Ivy League schools and many other prestigious universities, such as Georgetown, NYU, UCSF, UCLA, and Duke ALL have nursing programs. Nursing a career for...
  15. "Just" a nurse? You can do so much better!

    I can't count how many times I've heard the "you're too smart to be a nurse" speech, especially from my mother. For a long time, she tried to get me to go into anything but nursing...dietician,...