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All Content by pinkjdm

  1. BRCC Nursing Applicants for Fall 2014

    Does anyone know if we have to wear all white shoes for clinicals? I see that we have to wear white closed toe shoes with our polos, but I don't see anything about our uniforms
  2. BRCC Nursing Applicants for Fall 2014

    I got my acceptance letter too!!!
  3. BRCC Nursing Applicants for Fall 2014

  4. BRCC Nursing Applicants for Fall 2014

    Ohhh okay! Thanks! Good luck to all!! I really hope we get them tomorrow!!
  5. BRCC Nursing Applicants for Fall 2014

    Did you call and ask? I was about to do that today, but I didn't want to annoy them lol
  6. BRCC Nursing Applicants for Fall 2014

    Did anyone get their letters yet?
  7. Baton Rouge Comm. College (BRCC) 2013 acceptance letters

    has anyone gotten their letter yet?