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All Content by scottaprn

  1. FNP > RNFA (DNP question)

    You need to focus on finding a clinical experience that will give you want you want. It sounds like you want some OR time so look for a rotation with a surgeon. The only way you are going to learn...
  2. NCLEX - It must be all a myth.

    Congratulations and you are correct. Almost all the stories about the Nclex are myths. But they are harder to kill than almost any horror movie
  3. Screwed Over by My School

    Rereading the post I do think the poster may have a legal claim against the school with damages in the amount of lost potential salary. The real question for the OP to consider is whether or not it is...
  4. plagiarism??

    I thought the entire purpose of an EMR was to make copy and paste easier. As always I turn to for further understanding. Surgery Resident Successfully Writes an Entire Consult Note...
  5. Tough point in my life

    The only thing that matters in this entire situation is YOU. Not "you the nurse" or "you the coworker" or "you the worker". It is YOU There are always other jobs (better than one we have ever...
  6. Screwed Over by My School

    Ehhhh I agree with there probably being not much to do at this stage but the loss of 3 months of potential income would have me upset. I doubt the BON would care but you might find a sympathetic ear...
  7. Report me???

    If you have looked it up like you said and BON doesn't prohibit it why are you worried about it? Print out the sheet of paper from the BON and hand it to the nurse who has no reason to be in your...
  8. Attorney contacted me about lawsuit

    It was merely an example and just like EVERYTHING it is state specific since each state has it's own practice act. For that matter in some states an RN can declare someone in hospice care dead but...
  9. Nurse Practitioner Restrictions

    I work in a tri-state area and practice in three states. It is amazing the difference that a couple miles makes in what I can do in practice. Luckily none of the three states are among the more...
  10. Attorney contacted me about lawsuit

    Do you really think if you get called as a witness you are going to get away with only answering things in your scope of practice? If the case is about the MDs failure to diagnose/treat you will be...
  11. Attorney contacted me about lawsuit

    You can make your own decision about wether or not to speak to the attorney now or risk getting called and being forced to do it later- Which one do you think would be the more pleasant experience?...
  12. Buying my 1st stethoscope!

    Used a classic Littman 2 all through nursing school so I think you would be fine with either. That said if you can afford a classic Littman 3 I would take it in a heart beat. There is a pretty big...
  13. You are NOT allergic to...

    Allergy to Narcan- the patient "felt awful" after she received
  14. Comparing myself/feeling inadequate

    Don't compare yourself to other people but do compare yourself to yourself. Are you a better nurse today then you were six months ago? You mentioned you were an introvert and I can certainly relate....
  15. Who prescribes for themselves or family

    I practice in three different states in each one have separate rules set by the board of nursing. In no states am I allowed to prescribe for myself. There are different rules regarding prescribing...
  16. HIPPA and retaliation

    assuming you were both treating the patient as members of the healthcare team and the information was not disclosed to anyone not on the healthcare team you are fine. Look up the number of hippa cases...
  17. Do you text your patients?

    Joint commisions list of problems with texting from 2011 when they were first against it are all problems that are easily overcome. Now they have a blog post worrying about abbreviations in texting?...
  18. Do you text your patients?

    I swore I would never give my number out again after a patient drove me crazy for 2 years. That said I gave it out 3weeks ago to a patient. It was an important situation and this patient has been very...
  19. Are too many certifications a bad thing?

    I see nothing wrong with collecting whatever certifications you can have the hospital pay for. That said when you turn in your resume to a hiring manager focus in on the certifications that matter to...
  20. Acute Care NP Preceptors

    I did a hospitalist role with a MD for one of my rotations. I did an ICU rotation where I was technically with a NP but it was a teaching hospital so I spent as time with MDs, residents, fellows and...
  21. "How are we doing today?"

    In my first bachelor's degree I needed an extra couple hours and decided to take a PE class where the students taught pre-school children to play different games. Figured it would be a piece of cake...
  22. Negotiating my salary is exhausting!

    I will disagree with some posters. I hear you mention experience being wanted to get a better job. Get the best offer you can get immediately and then start job
  23. I never advise anyone to get a master's unless they know what they want to do with it. Often in nursing we "plug and play" master's degree specializations without realizing that the specializations...
  24. Are ER Patients Getting More Ridiculous?

    Not only are ER patients getting more ridiculous the entire society is getting that way. Ask a long term server at a restaurant if they see the same trend. We all have things that stick in our gears...
  25. Any single nurses with a puppy?

    I second a rescue. Going to the pound and getting a 2 year old beagle was the best decision of my