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All Content by 66h123

  1. How to do amazing in nursing school?

    You will do well if you learn the definition of the word 'amazing' and use the adjective properly. Per Merriam Webster: Definition of amazing : causing astonishment, great wonder, or surprise.
  2. Your signature block is totally incorrect; if you have been in the military 30 years you know how to construct one. Please fix it or don't use it.
  3. Call bells

    We can thank Florence for the call bell..... I bet she'd re-think that idea if she were around today.
  4. Call bells

    I disagree with your comment. Most family members or visitors who go to the nurses' station feel that their sick family member is THE most important and sickest patient in the unit. There is a fine line between being an advocate and a real PITA. Th...
  5. Agree 100%. Your final paragraph is well said!
  6. Kicking out visitors during report

    The the two ICUs on my wing of the hospital have large STOP signs posted in front of the doors, yet visitors walk around the signs, move the signs and feel as though the instructions to give us an hour to deliver a safe and uninterrupted report don't...
  7. How to NOT Aid a Cheater?

    You both knew it was a violation of academic integrity. Come clean and get in front of your error, voice your concerns to her supervisor, and move it up the chain of command at your facility. Be prepared for backlash from coworkers others but your ...
  8. Oldest practicing Nurse?

    WOW! What a testament to dedication and work ethic!
  9. Nurses with ear piercings

    Get as many piercings and tats as you want. Just don't wear the earrings at work or in a classroom or clinical setting. Don't get tats that show whilst in a work or school uniform and don't be surprised if people don't share your expressions of ind...