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All Content by katie_n

  1. Anyone planning to apply to OCCC's BADNAP program 2015?

    Hello! I am currently taking prereqs before applying to nursing schools, and I am curious if any of you are applying to the ABSN program at OU, as well. I am just trying to get a handle on all the options for students who already have a bachelor's. W...
  2. Textbook Question

    Hi Nursing Students! I am working towards applying to an accelerated BSN program and will be taking science prereqs this year before applying to nursing school next year. I am taking Chem and Anatomy this fall and Phys and Micro next spring. My quest...
  3. Textbook Question

    Thanks for the feedback, everyone. It looks like I can rent for about %50-%60 the cost of buying new, so I'm thinking that might be the best bet.
  4. Textbook Question

    GrnTea, My B.A. is in English, and that's part of why these text book prices are killing me. I'm used to paying like $80 for lit anthologies (all of which I have kept because I am a nerd). So looking at $265 for a chemistry book is a lot to stomach, ...
  5. post your fall class schedule

    Starting back to school this fall! I have four prereqs before I can apply to the ABSN program I want. I'm taking Gen. Chem. I and Anatomy this fall and Physiology and Microbiology in the spring. My B.A is in English and I never thought I would be ex...
  6. OU ABSN Program

    kgdouglas - What did you learn from your appointment? I have emailed several times, but have yet to receive a response, although I did receive an automated "currently out of the office" response the first time, so maybe they were just on vacation. If...
  7. OU ABSN Program

    I am also new and this is also my first post! I am planning to apply the the OU ABSN program, too, and just wanted to reply so I can see what others have to say. :) I sent an email to one of the nursing advisors yesterday asking some similar question...