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    Is anyone having trouble loggin to their UCLA graduate application? Apparently MC, and JG stated that I should have received my official letter, but have not received an email and they stated that I...
  2. UCLA Summer 2017 RN New Grad Residency

    Past new grad have told me that there are 2nd interviews usually after a week or two after the initial. Was anyone told this during the
  3. California girl going to Ohio University

    Hey jazzymin, did you have a bachelor's from a cal state also? What were the two extra classes you had to take if don't mind me asking? I'm looking to see where to do my BSN, but trying not to take...
  4. Ohio University RN-to-BSN Program

    Does anyone know what the facebook group name is called? I've been looking and haven't been able to find the main group everyone seems to be talking
  5. Csu dominguez hills adn-bsn performance courses

    Congrats l.a.m.b.! almost done. Were the majority of the classes writing essays and participating in group chats? Any exams you have to go in to
  6. Glendale Community College ADN FALL 2016

    It's 20 standard, 20 weekend/evening. You guys just take 2 classes in the summer together then split up during the semesters. Honestly, pick the CC that's closer to your home. Also look at what...
  7. Csu dominguez hills adn-bsn performance courses

    Thanks l.a.m.b. for the info. Completely agree with you so far about he rude staff. How far are you in the program or are you already finish? How many units or classes did you take per
  8. Sorry to steer away from the subject, but I see that both you guys have done rn to bsn programs at CSULA and DH. Both of which I'm currently deciding to do. How you do you like the CSULA colab and for...
  9. Glendale Community College ADN FALL 2016

    For your 1st semester, you usually have class around 4pm on Monday and Thursday is just longer. Clinicals will be Friday usually from 3pm to 9pm and Saturday mornings. Clinicals can change times and...
  10. Csu dominguez hills adn-bsn performance courses

    Is it hard to find your own preceptor? Also how many hours does the leadership and public health clinicals
  11. Has anyone done this program?? It is set up so some community college students in ADN programs can take BSN classes at CSULA during the summers while in the ADN program. Can anyone chime in if they...
  12. Glendale Community College Summer/Fall 2015

    They're accredited by the Boards of California Registered Nurse (BRN). GCC has joint programs with CSULA, CSUF, and Chamberlain to get your BSN (This is on GCC's website). All of those programs are...
  13. Applying to UCLA MECN to start Fall 2015?

    I got the same email and emailed RF back. She said "there is a very silm chance 11 students will withdraw". I'm number 24 on the alternate list. Change on the grad login for mine is now complete and...
  14. Applying to UCLA MECN to start Fall 2015?

    I've been told that a lot of the current MECN students (fall2014) received the fellowship. But this for next year there only limiting to under 10. Can anyone verified
  15. Drexel ACE Spring 2015

    bachelors in exercise biology, CUM GPA 3.4, Last 60 3.7 The ACE 24 just seems too long for