Getting one dose of IV abx on board is only beneficial if it is on board for 4 hours before delivery. Generally, most physicians will do the repeat section on a ruptured pt before four hours has...
At our facility we use an RNFA for almost all C/S, though this fee is paid out of the physicians' pockets. The RNFA is called in for the C/S. She doesn't remain in house. THe RNFA serves two local...
I was always taught that the most important things are to support the perineum, check for a cord, and bulb suction. And always remember McRoberts' maneuver for shoulders. Another good tip I learned...
My hospital uses a fent/ropi mixture. I agree with SmilingBluEyes that the the most important determinant of a c/s for FTP is the patient's cervical dilation at the time of receiving the epidural....
Nope. never heard of anyone failing with 75 questions. I know that the number of questions doesn't mean how well you did, but in general if you've always been a good testaker, I'd tend to think you...
IMO this case will be won or lost on the patient's claim that the husband "assisted in a medical procedure." If helping calm a laboring patient by "hugging" her during epidural placement is considered...