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About oneRNprn

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  1. GBS+ moms and abx before c/s

    Getting one dose of IV abx on board is only beneficial if it is on board for 4 hours before delivery. Generally, most physicians will do the repeat section on a ruptured pt before four hours has...
  2. RNFAs in C-Sections - Pro/Con

    At our facility we use an RNFA for almost all C/S, though this fee is paid out of the physicians' pockets. The RNFA is called in for the C/S. She doesn't remain in house. THe RNFA serves two local...
  3. RN assisted/precip deliveries

    I was always taught that the most important things are to support the perineum, check for a cord, and bulb suction. And always remember McRoberts' maneuver for shoulders. Another good tip I learned...
  4. How many deliveries do you have per month?

    ~400 births per month 14 LDR 6 NST/Induction Rooms 7 Ante Rooms 43 PP rooms 6 Triage Rooms 2 OR suites 4 bed
  5. Epidural Drug Choice and Failure to Progress/Descend

    My hospital uses a fent/ropi mixture. I agree with SmilingBluEyes that the the most important determinant of a c/s for FTP is the patient's cervical dilation at the time of receiving the epidural....
  6. Anyone failed at 75 questions?

    Nope. never heard of anyone failing with 75 questions. I know that the number of questions doesn't mean how well you did, but in general if you've always been a good testaker, I'd tend to think you...
  7. man holding wife still during epidural dies!

    IMO this case will be won or lost on the patient's claim that the husband "assisted in a medical procedure." If helping calm a laboring patient by "hugging" her during epidural placement is considered...