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All Content by gennabee

  1. Rush GEM Spring 2015 Cohort

    Has anyone else been accepted into the GEM program Spring 2015 cohort?
  2. Rush GEM Spring 2015 Cohort

    I felt like the interview was very casual. I felt more like I was just having a conversation about my decision and passion for nursing rather than being drilled with questions. As long as you can speak freely about your past experience, decision for ...
  3. Rush GEM Spring 2015 Cohort

    I would highly recommend the First Look! It honestly was what made me decide on Rush over other schools. You get a ton of insight from it and it's very casual!
  4. Rush GEM Spring 2015 Cohort

    A's & B's, some C's. NursingCAS sucks but it's worth it!!
  5. Rush GEM Spring 2015 Cohort

    I submitted my application last November and was accepted in March! I took the GRE and my grades honestly weren't the greatest at all. But I did have a lot of work experience and health related extracurriculars.