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All Content by hmowry

  1. I haven't even started my pre-reqs yet and I'm already terrified that I'm not going to get accepted. There's only 1 school near enough to me to realistically go to, so I have 1 shot. That being said, I've always been a worrywart (since I was 5), so ...
  2. SCF Fall 2014 ADN Program

    Good luck!
  3. Awaiting acceptance State College of Florida-Manatee?

    I won't be applying until next spring (for Fall 2015), but I can't wait to hear what you think about the program! I'll (hopefully) be at the Venice campus too.
  4. SCF Fall 2014 ADN Program

    I won't apply until next year, but I wanted to say hi. SCF (venice) is the only school I'll be able to apply to as everything else is at least 90 minutes away and I work full time and have 2 kids. I hope you've gotten your acceptance letter or will...
  5. My heart is beating so hard

    Hope it was good news!
  6. Points?

    I keep reading all these posts about "points" and how many people have, how many they need, etc for acceptance. I haven't seen any info on this from my (hopeful) nursing school. All they list is a minimum GPA (which I'm sure will be much higher for...
  7. Former Actress Seeking New Life!! Needs Advice!!

    I don't have any advice, but I wanted to say hi, since I was an actress in a former life (a few years back). I wonder if there's something similar between nursing and theatre that has attracted us both? Running around, pressure, thinking on your fe...
  8. I finally start the journey!!

    Good for you! I can't believe that negative woman laughed at you. Sounds to me like you're going to be fine!
  9. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    Yep -that's how I feel. As moms were more used to putting other people first and this is a good example to my girls that it's ok to take care of yourself, too. :-)
  10. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    Don't feel old. I didn't have my first kid until I was 32 and the second one when I was 35. And, still, when I take them to birthday parties I'm one of the younger parents. Don't have kids before you're ready. They change your entire life. I kno...
  11. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    5 and almost 2. My 5 year old thinks it's going to be pretty cool to do her homework while I do mine! She may have to explain it to me. :)
  12. My heart is beating so hard

    Good luck! Fingers crossed for you!
  13. I will be starting my prerequisites this August (starting with Anatomy & Physiology I). I'm 37, working full time (and will until I actually being nursing school), and it's been a long time since I was a student. Does anyone have any suggestions...
  14. I'm nervous to take the next step

    There's a whole thread on here for nursing students over 30 and there are tons of people on it! You won't be alone by a long shot!
  15. Tips for succeeding?

    It's also possible that you have issues with test-taking. There are many, many people who do poorly on tests, even when they have studied hard and know the material. Talk to someone at your school. You should have a resource who can help you with ...
  16. Which specialty would you like to end up in?

    NICU. Baby #2 was a preemie and I just knew from then that that was my field. (Of course, everything changes!)
  17. Tips for succeeding?

    I haven't started yet, so I don't have any tips to give. But I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Is it possible that the science classes aren't as much your thing as the clinicals will be? I've had many nurses tell me that they struggled in s...
  18. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    I'm feeling guilty, also, about being away from my family and using part of my husband's GI bill (instead of saving the whole thing for the kids). BUT I keep reminding myself that I'm setting an example for them that 1) you can do anything you put y...
  19. What to do pre-pre-Nursing School?

    My thought exactly. Thanks!
  20. What to do pre-pre-Nursing School?

    Thanks, everyone, for all your helpful comments. One other question - my AP class doesn't require bio as a pre-req, but suggests it. I took my last bio class (albeit a very good one) a long time ago. I'm doing an online refresher right now. Is i...
  21. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    What did you decide? I'm probably going to go the ASN route (then go RN to BSN) because the closest BSN as a second degree is 2 hours away. I'll do it if I have to (and the classes look more appealing), but being in the car 4 hours a day is a major...
  22. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    Wow - we really are on the same path! I'm glad I have someone to be anxious with. After 10 years hemming and hawing over this, 3 more months seems like an eternity! How old are your kids?
  23. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    good Lord - I clearly need to brush up on my posting skills. Sorry everyone!
  24. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

  25. What to do pre-pre-Nursing School?

    Thank you! That is beyond helpful. :)