
DianeS RN

long term care

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About DianeS

DianeS has 10 years experience as a RN and specializes in long term care.

Married, 2 children, 3 cats

Latest Activity

  1. Interview advice please

    Hi everyone, I am interviewing for a Hospice nurse position on Tuesday. I currently work long term care and have no real Hospice experience. Hospice is really, really what I want to do. Any...
  2. Need advice please

    Thanks for all your advice. I'm spending my day off today job hunting
  3. LTC- resident in clear distress

    Interesting question as this just happened to me on Sunday night. My CENA (Bless her heart :redbeathe) came to me and said "____ don't look good". I walk into the room and the resident is pale and...
  4. Need advice please

    Hi everyone, I would like some advice on a sticky situation. I have been working at this extended care facility for 4 months now. They are trying to clear 12 citations from the state. So, the big...
  5. See there was a reason you didn't have anything for breakfast in your house. God Bless
  6. Sleeping techs

    Where I work, even looking like you are sleeping on the job is immediate grounds for firing. Do what your heart says, but I would be looking for another job. This is a patient safety issue and I...
  7. I think I'm in big trouble

    As someone who used to work in LTC, I can say that you did the right thing. Any DON who would expect 1 CNA for 50 residents obviously does not care about the residents one little bit. Way to
  8. My pt made me look like an idiot

    I can only echo what everyone else has said - you did the right
  9. Grandma Buys a Bumper Sticker

    Sounds like some drivers we have here!
  10. my inexperience or tooooo many pt's????

    It will get better. I work on a cardiac telemetry floor and we often get very serious pnts with CHF, a-fib, confusion in restraints, etc. and many times we have 7-8 pnts per nurse on night shift. And...
  11. Starting new job on Monday - need advice.

    weetzie, congrats!:w00t: i don't have any advice for you. but i wish you the best of luck.
  12. welcome! nice to have you here. you will find lots of information and
  13. I saved a life today...

    You deserve a giant pat on the back. Way to
  14. Feel pretty good right now!

    Nursepenny: You do deserve the biggest pat on the back for a job well done. :yelclap: :yelclap: :yelclap: :yeah:
  15. can gallstones return?

    Thanks for the info Vicky. We can always count on you to come