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  1. Oh, yeah. There are Nurse's Notes separate from the doctor's dictated report for each of these procedures. There are sedation/anesthesia reports separate from the doctor's dictated reports. There is...
  2. And I could NEVER get past the curiosity! I would request a copy of the full reports AND nurses' notes. NOT a wise idea to leave me visible souveniers like that w/o at least a casual mention of them....
  3. Can a patient refuse sedation?

    Yes, a colonoscopy can be done w/just a pain killer and no sedation. The examining doctor also has the right to refuse to do the scope w/o sedation in which case it would be necessary to find another...
  4. IV Phenergan and Toradol "Push"

    Right on, Trama1RN!!! Kudos to
  5. lower endoscopy usual pracctice

    I understand. But that is why I questioned the IBS and inflammation. Personally, I would NOT accept an IBS Dx. I would be insisting on a pill camera endoscopy. They don't call the small intestine "the...
  6. lower endoscopy usual pracctice

    Did you mean that you have IBD? IBD is inflammatory bowel disease which could be ulcertive colitis or Crohn's colitis which is Crohn's disease found in the colon or Crohn's disease which can appear...
  7. Can a patient refuse sedation?

    I've only had one sigmoidoscopy. It was quite an .... experience. It was done at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota back in early 1976. I had NO idea back then what I was getting into!!! I stripped...
  8. lower endoscopy usual pracctice

    The degree of discomfort or pain a patient encounters is DIRECTLY RELATED to the SKILL of the person conducting the scope procedure and to the degree of disease involvement or stricturing of the...
  9. post colonosocpy positioning

    Somewhat off-topic ... nevertheless: many Crohn's disease patients suffer from bloating and resulting pain from the disease itself. Its been attested to many times in the various Crohn's disease...
  10. Can a patient refuse sedation?

    Well, now, there is a difference between having no sedation and having no analgesia! I have nothing for my upper endoscopies but we do use some demerol for the colonoscopy as we tend to have some...
  11. Can a patient refuse sedation?

    Hey, its interesting to watch the monitor. Insist that they turn you so you can see too! And if there is something going on in there it can be quite fascinating to see! I had sudden onset really bad...
  12. Can a patient refuse sedation?

    My gastro underwent both the upper and lower scopes w/o sedation herself before she would agree to do mine w/o sedation - and she agrees w/me, the upper scope w/o sedation is the worst because of the...
  13. Can a patient refuse sedation?

    I would hope that you filed a complainta against the doctor and the hospital w/your state licensing board, NeverAgain. I would have. You did everything right to ensure that all involved were aware of...
  14. Can a patient refuse sedation?

    Yes, you can. However, it is only fair that you advise your doctor well before the procedure that you will not accept sedation. Understand that your refusing sedation whether days prior to the...
  15. Can a patient refuse sedation?

    No need to feel like a woose!!! The important things is to have our colonoscopies as needed and recommended! Whether we are a woose or a masochist or somewhere in between has absolutely no bearing....