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  1. Let's pump the breaks a little here on the racism train. It's quite the stretch comparing eye-witness accounts of food prep to blaming HIV on homosexuals. The only personal opinions given above were...
  2. With all the talk about the coronavirus, I wanted to share my experiences visiting China. A few years ago I traveled to Beijing and Shanghai as a tourist. While the country is amazing and has some...
  3. This is a great article and an interesting topic. It brings up interesting questions about privacy rights and consent. A driver can refuse to blow in a breathalyzer or give blood but then has to deal...
  4. Gadsale

    4 Easy Ways To Stay Healthy

    This is great info. Being healthy is more than just eating right and exercise. You need time for enjoyment and relaxation
  5. Gadsale

    Jimmy Kimmel Thanks Nurses Who Saved His Infant Son's Life

    It's great that he recognized the diligence the nurses put in. Nurses do this everyday without fanfare or national media coverage. Good for him and the for the nurses who caught
  6. This is great information. It was an interesting read and I'm glad you shared