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About BlessesRN_2011

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  1. Rn trying to reinstate my license

    My BON requires written communication. I had to send a letter asking for
  2. When should I mention IPN in interviews?

    I informed my current employer after the job was offered. I was honest with them and have them the opportunity to recend the offer. Fortunately the DON didn't think twice and kept the offer on the...
  3. New Grad with IPN contract

    If you are not required by your contract to disclose your status, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING! Cat is right, you will not even be given a second look. This is the day The Lord has made, we shall rejoice and...
  4. Length of your monitoring program?

    Arkansas- it can vary- it's up to the almighty BON- I got 5 years- some of my friends got 3 This is the day The Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in
  5. I finished!!!

    YEHA!!!! That's wonderful news!! That's encouraging to know it does END at some point!! This is the day The Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in
  6. FirstLab and Holiday testing

    Check the terms of your contract. I have to call in 365 days a year. Holidays, weekends- everyday. In two years, I have never been called to test on a weekend or holiday. I am fortunate that my...
  7. Need advice

    I've been there too! Surrendered my liscense and worked at a bank for while. On the paperwork agree with TwoYear, don't disclose why you left, just it was time for a change. I was terminated so had...
  8. How to Succeed as an ER NURSE

    Know what know, know what you don't know and ask questions about what don't know. This is the day The Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in
  9. Safe medications when being monitored...

    In akransas I have taken Claritin-D; I disclosed when I signed the contract that I had a prescription for this despite it being OTC in my state. Have taken Melatonin and Mucinex occasionally. Haven't...
  10. Made a mistake, need some advice...

    Ha catmom1! I'm with you- before sobriety I could never understand drug take bak programs, or have some 'extra' pain meds around! I took them too!! So glad I'm sober today and if they arnt mine I...
  11. Starting my contract soon...

    Arkansas never sent anything like that, just the contract. I have been monitored for 18 months, I have never avoided OTC products or hand sanitizer and I've not been notified if a positive test. I try...
  12. Back to a hospital, y'all!!!

    Congrats!!! Thats wonderful!! This is the day The Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in
  13. Finally!

    One of my first 12 step meetings, I ran into a man I had as a patient in ICU many years before. This man was a garden variety drunk and we would frequently be giving him beer every 4 hours per...
  14. patient/license safety

    My unit has 25-30 pts with 2 RNs doing all charting, admitting and discharging. One LPN doing meds and two techs. We are responsible for two groups on 7-3 shift also- as the charge nurse I go to all...
  15. RN patient ratios

    Hello my peers- just taking a poll: on an average day what is the census of your acute adult unit and how many RNs are on duty? My unit typically has 25-30 patients, there are 2 RNs, one LPN for...