

emergency nursing

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All Content by meeky71

  1. Canadian with green card in US

    Hi Kier721 I am not sure if this helps but I am an international nurse who has just sat the NCLEX via Michigan BON, there was a delay with my ATT and I rang them they told me that it was a computer glitch, within a few hours I received the ATT from P...
  2. 2 days before my Big Day. Hurst, Kaplan scores

    Congratulations ...:)
  3. 2 days before my Big Day. Hurst, Kaplan scores

    any news yet AngelAsherah? x
  4. 2 days before my Big Day. Hurst, Kaplan scores

    OMG !!!!! I am still in shock and shaking sooo much .... just did quick results ..... I PASSED !!!!!!!
  5. 2 days before my Big Day. Hurst, Kaplan scores

    Leaving in about 30 mins to go sit mine ..... Wish me luck. !!!!!
  6. How do you answer questions?

    Will be taking that piece of advice with me tomorrow x
  7. Boards tomorrow ah!

    Good Luck :)
  8. 2 days before my Big Day. Hurst, Kaplan scores

    London, UK only slot available was at 8.15am. What about yourself?
  9. 2 days before my Big Day. Hurst, Kaplan scores

    The very best of luck to you, I am also internationally trained and I sit the exam on 10th April, I also used saunders and the Kaplan strategies book. Here's to a good test day and a positive result !! x