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About ilona22

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  1. Considering RN job in PP Nursery

    Hey! You're from OK, right? I think I talked to you a couple of years ago when we were contemplating nursing school/pa school etc. I went to OU. Well I do postpartum now, I've been doing it since...
  2. The Woman's Hospital of Texas

    It's not letting me send a PM either, so oh well. Someone else was asking about new grad orientation--I know NICU and L&D do pretty extensive orientations. If you work postpartum, you'll float to...
  3. The Woman's Hospital of Texas

    PM me if you want, I can give you some
  4. Specialty area first?

    I was hired directly into post partum, and have done OB ever since. Yes, you will be better at your nursing skills if you do med surg, but if you never plan to work in critical care or med surg, then...
  5. Help! New grad looking for a job!!!

    Woman's Hospital of Texas may be hiring, they are opening a new
  6. Mercy or ST. Anthony's?

    Mercy, all the way.
  7. Ou Absn

    I would definitely consider looking at all of your options before deciding on this program. PM for more
  8. OU applicants-???

    I'm in the ABSN program right now and I've had a very positive experience. The "block" style classes are more so during the summer semester, fall and spring semesters are pretty much your regular...
  9. Considering dropping NP School

    What is above average pay for NPs? It seems in OK they make about $50K, is that pretty average pay for NP? Seems like you could make that working overtime as an