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About lashauncute

International Student

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  1. Where are you from?

    I am from Jamaica, I'm attending school in
  2. Where are you from?

    I am from Jamaica, I attending school in
  3. ECPI versus Wake Tech, DTCC, Wilson, or Barton

    I live in Rocky Mount and attend Barton in Wilson, you can get into Barton with as low as GPA 2.9, depending on the pool that year. Very expensive school, but really small and intimate setting. Highly...
  4. North Carolina Roll Call

    Hi I moved here from bronx NY and I am entering my Junior year of the BSN program in Wilson NC. It is pretty rough and our passing grade is 79. I love the area and anticipate seeing you guys on...
  5. International nursing students in the US

    Thank you. What if you already used ur OPT for another career, do you have to then go home and apply for a green card through a sponsor. I should finish in May 2008 and my student visa expires
  6. Hi fellow NC'ers

    I relocated fr. NY to Barton College in Wilson, NC. I begin this fall. I am going to be doing the traditional program and it will take me 3 years as a second degree. This is b/c I do not have...
  7. Well, I paid my way through grad school, worked a year and now I'm taking the prerequisites for nursing. I am an international student who cannot get federal loans etc. like u guys, so when I worked...
  8. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    Don't be discouraged, I am takin prereq. too. I need alot of motivation so I am doing my prereq at the school where I want to do my nursing. I would advise that you take them at a community college....
  9. Will I be an international nurse?

    Just to let you know I am in a very similar position, the only difference is I graduate in two years. I have a maters but went into a regular BSN program. Let me know what happens, seek out for your...
  10. Did anyone try to talk you out of being a nurse?

    I have been discouraged by a few people, especially my ex b/friend who thinks I ma too pretty to be a nurse doing all that butt wiping. Others tell me I am too bright to be a nurse. However, most of...
  11. hesitations of becoming a nurse...ever had any????

    I u/stand the difficulty making up your mind. I did my teaching certificate, then a BSc in Psychology. I worked as a teacher, then I did my MSW and worked as a social worker and during that time I...
  12. Nurses on Student Visa

    That is clearer, thanks. It has to be in the same subject. Got it
  13. Nurses on Student Visa

    Didn't I read that you get OPT for each level of training. I know someone who did a bachelors, got OPT then did masters and got OPT again. There are several things written by immigration, sometimes...
  14. Nurses on Student Visa

    I just started, with the science prereq. I am estimating that I will be finished in 3 years, around Fall 2007 or Spring 2008. What country are you
  15. Nurses on Student Visa

    Thanks for the response. Yeah, I'm familiar with OPT I did that after I completed my MSW, however, I am going to a lower degree now, dont know if I can get OPT again. Just tryin to link up with other...