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All Content by SuperStaffer

  1. Scheduling my resources. Need some advice.

    My department was going to use the system and then after the initial training abandoned it, this was while I was still there. I went out on a leave of absence and while I was gone they were "forced" to start using the api system. They have been on ...
  2. I recently have been gone on extended leave of absence for personal reasons. I am glad to be back to the only job I have ever loved. To my sisters I have missed you, to my brothers, I have missed you as well, to all my past and future patients I RE...
  3. API and Kronos Interface

    Hi TCheers, Number 1 - ANSOS is horrible, you may want to talk to your programmers and have them update it to something within this century. Number 2 - I don't think that you are supposed to plug your system on here. I apologize for criticizing your ...
  4. API and Kronos Interface

    Because Kronos is a horrible product. Hate to say it but they should stay out of the clinical world.
  5. API and Kronos Interface

    No problem. I do a lot of staffing and so scheduling and how it relates to our T&A system is something that I often handle. Don't thiunk about it in terms of lying, it will keep you up at night. Their job is to make things easier for us, no m...
  6. API and Kronos Interface

    Is it Concerro or API? The older API system was ok. I know many of my sisters say it sucks but I thought it was ok once you spend the time to learn it. Concerro, well all I know is they failed everywhere I went sooooooo, I'm gonna list the bests s...
  7. Having One of Those Days of Doubt Again....

    I agree, there is no shortage and in several of the cities the hospitals are competing to get nurses from one facility to theirs. You should never listen to a mother in law. They are meant to be evile. At least mine is.
  8. First let me say that that is ONE CUTE DOG as your avatar! Greyhound? Such sweet animals. I agree on everything you said. I have gone to a few facilities and 2 out of the three and my friends are at other facilities where they have Kronos. Every...
  9. Unionized vs Non Unionized hospitals

    If you want to join an evil organization that has had a good idea perverted than defiantly join a union. You won't have to work much, you can be lazy, make mistakes, generally lower your standards overall, be known as a member of a buying organizati...
  10. Yea, training for most of these systems is loooong, the ones that should be long arnt and the ones that are long should spare you the problems. APIs training was spot on, it was my fault that I needed to go through it again. Shift Wizard's was real...
  11. I have worked in many facilities due to moving around a lot and have used lots of systems so I'll see if I can help out... SmartSquare-That was used in my last facility in FL. It has a lot of bells and whistles which may be the reason no one used i...
  12. I feel like everybody hates being a nurse!!!

    I enjoy my job! There are problems and bad co workers but overall I love what I do. I think most people complain because they all say that Nurses are so bad they will eat their own. Lol, we are woman arn't we? We can tend to be petty. THAT I see...
  13. Smokers need not apply?

    Smoking is a discussing habit that I'm sure will be continued to be minimized. With pot smoking still prevalent, cigarette smoking will never go away though. That and the government makes more of of cigarette smoking than the tobacco companies!
  14. Top 10 Reasons We Get Fired: Sleeping on duty

    This doesn't have to do with sleeping but I have known of several co workers that have taken drugs. Both from dispensing machines and from patients. Really? Who does that?!?!?
  15. Top 10 Reasons We Get Fired: Sleeping on duty

    NO WAY!!!! Was the person fired?
  16. Torn - advice appreciated

    You should always do what you think will make you happy? I don't know what motivates you,m money, growth, certain goals? I know that I will be a staffer for as long as I can. I actually love my patients and don't want to not be a part of their liv...
  17. Do you ever get sick?

    As long as you adhere to proper procedures you will minimize your exposure to things. That being said I have been , thrown up on, had other bodily fluids thrown at me, stepped in things not readily identifiable and generally been exposed to all form...