BlueDevil, DNP

BlueDevil, DNP


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About BlueDevil, DNP

BlueDevil, DNP specializes in FNP, ONP.

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  1. I wouldn't let a pregnancy deter me from hiring a candidate I really wanted on board, but I'd be cheesed off if I found out after hiring her that she planned to take 2 months off and didn't mention...
  2. Interesting times in psych

    "They handle the addicts being seen for there post CABG f/u that have the flu with sarcardosis, maybe a little scaleraderma (sic) thrown in." I find this POV intriguing because I do not see it that...
  3. Career Transition-NP

    Sure, if I was certain that it is what I wanted to be doing. IIWY, I might save a bit longer before beginning. You need to have 50% more in liquid savings than you think you need, otherwise you are...
  4. Broke and unemployed

    I don't give that information out, I"d be too easy to identify. It's easy enough to find our ads, they are in most of the big circulation journals for IM, FM, Peds and specialties we
  5. I think everyone covered most of it well. New people are learning. No big deal. However, when you give false information in report for whatever reason, expect to be called out on it. I wouldn't have...
  6. It is probably against the TOS, but I feel they deserve to be
  7. I wouldn't think it would be at all helpful,
  8. I don't see what the JR story linked has to do with HIPAA. They gave implicit consent to have the photos and gold records (lol) displayed when they signed them and gave it to her. I think I find it a...
  9. Can I renegotiate after accepting offer?

    My suggestion is to try to negotiate being paid by productivity. as professionals, we should not be negotiating an hourly wage but compensation based on our
  10. NPs working with chiropractors

    Chiropractic was founded by DD Palmer in 1895 in Davenport, Iowa. He described himself as a "magnetic healer." Palmer claimed to have learned Chiropractic manipulation from a spirit during a sèance....
  11. Names patients call you other than your own name

    No one ever calls me anything unusual, I suppose at least in part because I'm male. A few that I have known for years and to whom I'm close call me by my first name, most call me Dr. Devil. I am...
  12. How do we know this? Her 21 days aren't up yet. She could come down with it any minute now! I have read this very comment I don't know how many
  13. Mandatory flu shots????

    I agree. I have dry skin that sometimes cracks and bleeds around my knuckles in the winter. I shouldn't have to wash my hands, it poses a risk to me I could get an infection such as Ebola, MRSA or...
  14. Obamacare and hospitals

    We can't decline insurance purchased on the exchanges, unless we want to decline ALL BC/BS, Aetna, UnitedHealth Group, Humana Group, Cigna Health Group, Metropolitan Life, etc. I don't know about my...
  15. Mandatory flu shots????

    This is one of my all-time favorite comments.