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All Content by c294j954

  1. Fall 2014 Nursing School Applicants KC Area

    RachaelHarvey, I wouldn't worry yet about Saint Luke's. They're taking their sweet time to make calls to people. You could probably call or email them and ask if you wanted to?? I had to call KU Med yesterday because my letter got lost in the mail. N...
  2. Fall 2014 Nursing School Applicants KC Area

    Got a call from saint Luke's today and I've been accepted!
  3. Fall 2014 Nursing School Applicants KC Area

    KU sent out letters today so you should hear this week!
  4. Fall 2014 Nursing School Applicants KC Area

    And I haven't heard from KU yet either
  5. Fall 2014 Nursing School Applicants KC Area

    If I haven't gotten a call from St. Luke's yet does that mean I didn't get in?