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About Emma123

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  1. Written up for this???

    Thank you for the excellent advice here. I thought about documenting the comments/behaviors. I will from now on. To be truthful, the "management" isn't the problem. It's only one particular one. But...
  2. Written up for this???

    No. Just myself. They said it was "my voice" they heard. But all we were talking about is the way we've been picked apart lately. Especially when we've been picking up TONS of hours to help out. This...
  3. Written up for this???

    So, I was in the med room at work, talking with two other co-workers (also nurses) about the struggles we're having lately. The door was cracked. Our voices were low. We were simply venting....
  4. My God, these family members!!

  5. My God, these family members!!

    I feel your pain, and here is what I did about it: I had a patient arguing with a family member at the nurse's station. I tried to put it out of my head, but I had a new admit and was confirming...
  6. ARRRRRGGGHHH...Our SANE program just closed today

    I am so sorry to hear about this situation in your community. I'm an LPN wishing to become a SANE but don't know if I need to be an RN to qualify. I'd like to see one here in my community in Michigan....
  7. Thank you for the extremely useful information. I could probably find another job....but in all honesty, the facilities are run pretty much the same that are in my area. This is the worst...
  8. I can't even begin to thank you for the information you shared. I will definitely look into it and see who may be interested in this. When you say it comes down to a vote, I am assuming that a for...
  9. Thank you for your post. We think the same thing about the administrator. We just lost 5 people, including the ONLY full time physical therapist who was very good. So now my "rehab" unit is with fill...
  10. Thank you for your response. So....how do I get a union involved in my company? (Or is that not an option....please excuse me if that is an "uber" dumb
  11. You will only know what has been described above once you are a nurse. There is no way anyone could explain it; it is very personal to nurses. I would not want my own daughter to be a nurse; I've...
  12. 1. I don't understand that, sorry? 2. No way in hell.
  13. I wanted to post this question under the thread which contained the objection form (taking an assignment and filling out a form, aka Safe Harbor), but did not want to hijack their thread. I want to...
  14. Burned out!!!!!!!!

    ....wondering....am i the only one reading these responses and actually saying OUT LOUD....yes! Oh yes, that too!! (Thankful to not be alone. Insane and in good company, much