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About icugirl33

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    What state are you

    Why do LPN's compare themselves to RN's? Of course you are all nurses, the last time I checked only RNs and LPNs can call themselves nurses. However, I haven't seen one Nurse Practice Act in any state...
  3. Leaving your first nursing job, how hard was it?

    Hello, I left my first hospital nursing job after 9 months due to burnout. It was very easy because I already had a non bedside nursing job set up at an insurance company that I was eager to
  4. unhappy doc/letter to editor

    The Doctor does have a point. I started an NP program last year and stopped because I really just want to go to law school. However, it would of taken me 18 months total. I will never say a Nurse...
  5. 5 Rights

    TRAMP time,route,amount,medication, and person. This is the acronym I used in school and still
  6. do nurses eat their young

    Hello, I have heard that saying and have noticed that some nurse try to uphold that reputation. As a new grad last year, I made sure I knew my stuff and anything that could of been reported by another...
  7. I agree with you 100%..You are right, the nursing program is a limited access program. If you are going to cheat to make it in, you probably won't pass the program anyways. Why give seats to cheaters...
  8. "Nurses are not professionals"

    There are 3 recognized professions, Law,Medicine, and Ministry. A professions require rigorous training and schooling beyond a basic college degree. Nursing meets most of the qualifications but lack...
  9. Nursing & website is depressing!!!

    Hi, Nursing is a very hard job and until you find your nitch, you are miserable. The problem is some people choose to remain miserable. I wouldn't change the fact of going to nursing school for...
  10. hired on the spot? does it happen?

    Hi, I was hired on the spot the last 4 job interviews I have been on. One interviewer told me afterwards that I should go into sales. At the end of the interview, I always ask "So am I hired?"...
  11. Frozen and Frustrated

    Hi there, I know how you feel. I was a new grad myself back in May 2005. I spend 5 months in Tele, 4 months in the E/R, 2 weeks in Rehab. For the past 6 months, I have worked as a Utilization nurse...
  12. Adn's Who Don't Care

    Hi, It's an individual choice to get an ADN or BSN. I got a BSN because I wanted to have a 4 year college degree,plain & simple. I'm happy I did because now I can quickly get the h**L out this...
  13. Nurse Salary Poll

    - Age? [34] - Experience (# yrs as an RN) [1 BSN] - City / State [Fort lauderdale, FL] - Salary (prefer hourly wage as full time equivalent) (ie, $32/hr) [29.32] & [32.67] - Benefits: just need,...
  14. Tips for new nurses to protect license

    Do what I did, leave the bedside after 9 months. I now work for an insurance company and do triage pt for a hospice company. Less stress, more money. I am happy to have been given the opportunity to...
  15. Psych Nurse ="not a REAL nurse"?

    The last time I checked, you had to be a nurse to be called a psych nurse. I thing that makes you a real nurse. I also give you Psyche nurses out there a lot of credit. It take a lot to deal with the...