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All Content by dauntless.dudette

  1. interviewing skills help!

    Hello future fellow nurse! Just a bit of my background, I am an internationally educated "new grad" nurse. I am not one who has been lucky with getting interviews, but once I DO get an interview opportunity, I can guarantee myself a job offer. Reali...
  2. Crne february 5, 2014 takers

    Hello Everyone! I wrote my exam in Calgary, Alberta. On March 17, 2014- Monday morning, received a 9x12 inch brown envelope in the mailbox. This is a relatively large envelope contrary to other passers who received a regular white letter size envelop...
  3. Crne february 5, 2014 takers

    I noticed that too but apparently, whatever date you decided to open the myCCP file, it marks as the start date. I don't know for sure if it is a trick to know if you passed or not. In AB too! Still waiting... None of my classmates got their results ...
  4. Unemployed and feel like whining?!

    No, not yet. I did successfully pass the phone interview but turned the job offer down because at that time, the offer came too early in my job hunt that I decided to try locally in the city first. Big mistake! I'll give it another month and if I sti...
  5. Unemployed and feel like whining?!

    Hello! I would gladly whine with you! We're on the same boat! I am an IEN with a requirement of 225 non-orientation hours as a Grad nurse to apply for my RN, passing the CRNE is the least of my problems. I have been applying online for a month and f...
  6. Crne february 5, 2014 takers

    Hello fellow future RNs! I don't know if there is a trick to know if you passed. I checked my account in my provincial board of nursing site and looked into myCPP records which displays when you open up your continuing competence file and there it di...