

Medical Surgical & Behavioral Health

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About PsychRNMsz

PsychRNMsz specializes in Medical Surgical & Behavioral Health.

Graduated From WMU Bronson School of Nursing Dec 2010, Currently working in Behavioral Health Adult Inpatient Unit as an BSN-RN

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  1. You know you're a student nurse when...

  2. HELP!! I need guidance I saw someone cheating

    The girl who cheated in our class=still in, out of 45 we have lost 11 people who failed by a fraction of a percent. The girl who cheated, made the deans list and still cheats. The ethics committee and...
  3. Tattoo's and School

    One of the girls in my clinical group just got points taken away from her over all grade because her tattoo on her bicep had become exposed while the instructor was passing meds with her. This is the...
  4. You know you're a student nurse when...

    love all these lists! so glad the semester will be over in 3
  5. You know you're a student nurse when...

    ha ha only one person did it in our class, and it wasn't the depends, it was the absorbent brief that resembles the same thing you use for an infant but are not allowed to call it that... yet every...
  6. You know you're a student nurse when...

    My 9 yr old was sick and before I took her to after hours, I got mine out, started listening for anything, counting her respiration rate, asked her to rate her pain with numbers (she is very aware of...
  7. What do you think are the best qualities a Nurse should have??

    oh another one based on what is happening in my Nursing School right now...ball gags when the gossips come
  8. I don't think your reply was mean at all...and I do get how to do them. I actually have no problem grading wise because I always follow the nursing process to develop the ideas for outcomes and...
  9. Last Thursday, the environmental services crew were coming out of a room, grabbed the sanitizer and said very loudly ... "I AM WASHING MY
  10. What do you think are the best qualities a Nurse should have??

    A strong Gag reflex and the ability to
  11. I totally agree, the nurses and the aides should be the ones involved in the policy making, not some board who received 3 complaints of [probably] physicians not washing their hands when they entered...
  12. Although I do agree with you about the importance of Patient safety, I feel that a hospital actually budgeting funds on such a campaign is wrong. The hospital I am currently doing clinical rotations...
  13. Tattoo Question

    My school requires all ink to be covered at all times. Which mine are because of their locations. I also wear a tank under my scrubs because the one on my shoulder can faintly be seen through the...
  14. Day One in the Life of a Nursing Student

    I had my 1st ped's clinical and I can really relate to how you were feeling on day one, although my preceptor was always available! Good job on thinking of a different
  15. any single mom's out there obtaining nursing degree?

    The best thing that you can do as a single mom going through the nursing program is maintain a strong support system with the people caring for your children while you are away. I have always worked...