Tenebrae BSN, RN

Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative

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All Content by Tenebrae

  1. Tenebrae

    The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    Its like sure, just stick it in the microwave and its done in 2 minutes. So often people don't know how to stick stuff in a pot and take 5 minutes to cook
  2. Tenebrae

    The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    A few years ago, one of the local talk show hosts filmed the lunches of kids in a decile 1 (parents on very low income) school and lunches of a decile 10 school (parents on a high income) school All the lunches were placed on the kids desks prio...
  3. Tenebrae

    The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    This arose in my first degree. The reason why those in charge don't let the systemic healthcare decision be made by the health professionals, they believe the health professionals would give all the people the healthcare that they need Far...
  4. Tenebrae

    The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    no and a thousand times no except perhaps in Russia. I've noticed over the years, US citizens are absolutely brilliant and blatantly misrepresenting the reality of single payer health and will argue it with people who do have first hand single ...
  5. Tenebrae

    The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    I'm on a SN4. My current yearly income is about to go to just on $100,000 annually. We have just had a nation wide ruling refered to as pay equity. Based on the idea that because nursing is primarily a female dominated field it should be paid based o...
  6. Tenebrae

    The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    the American system is stuffed. People should not be denied needed healthcare based on bureaucrats with algorithms. I've used this example before, had a 7 day stay in hospital for an infected axillary abcess. The whole cost for the seven day stay inc...
  7. They didn't do their job and lied about it. Patients were harmed. full context for you
  8. Tenebrae

    Has anyone slept through phone calls while on-call?

    No. I always put the phone volume up as loud as it will go and ensure its plugged into charge next to my bed. Also check it as soon as I wake. Hate being oncall because I always have a rubbish sleep😂
  9. Tenebrae

    Time Management Research Project

    Good for you. The whole thing around you being a proxy and having no connection to an actual educational institution comes across as incredibly dodgy. What do I hope to accomplish by posting on this thread. As someone with a double degree, pos...
  10. Tenebrae

    Time Management Research Project

    As I previously said, you have no way in verifying whether the people who answer the study questions are actually student nurses. Your email address is a gmail account. if you are connected to an academic institution, why do you not have a prof...
  11. Tenebrae

    Time Management Research Project

    Problem with this method of recruiting is that you rely on people to be honest. You may find you don't get a sample size indicative of your preferred population And to be blunt, recruiting on a nursing forum seems rather like taking the e...
  12. Tenebrae

    Is this an Unsafe assignment legally?

    Sounds like a complete mess. Run away as fast as you can
  13. Tenebrae

    Could I lose my license?

    If a medication is only charted for Q30days you cant keep giving it The doctor needs to front up and own their actions. In an ideal world there shouldn't be any repercussions for you. The person who discontinued the order was the doctor. I...
  14. Tenebrae

    Two Snaps Up!

    I think its important to realise that our colleagues will do things differently to how we do it. And it doesn't necessarily make their way right and our way wrong or vice versa. Perhaps its more important to look at our own practice and ensure ...
  15. I've learned from my med error and havent don it again. I have compassion for Charlene Murphey who died fully conscious, unable to breath, unable to speak and totally alone. Versed--> vercuronium I also have compassion for the fam...
  16. Tenebrae

    Patients Filming You

    The problem is I don't get paid nearly enough to end up on some rando family members phone which they can digitally manipulate to anything they like. I As for frantic, it doesnt exist, either the patient/family member stops filming when asked, o...
  17. Tenebrae

    Patients Filming You

    Our wards are starting to have these signs go up. Bout time is all I can say
  18. Tenebrae

    Patients Filming You

    I have nothing to hide. I still don't want to be filmed. Especially in this day and age of digital shenanerganery when its easy as to take my face and stick it on who knows which body Patients have rights, nurses have rights. All our hospitals h...
  19. Tenebrae

    Dosages help!!

    I totally screwed up my very first maths test. We used the book 'maths and meds for nurses' takes you right from basic maths and why you would ever need to know that as a nurse the first formula in the attached PDF is one easiest med formu...
  20. Sometimes I think we have this idea that being a competent nurse is a hard bar to aim for. Competency is about paying attention so that when you(generic you) don't make mistakes. Or if you do make a mistake you can act in a timely manner to ens...
  21. Tenebrae

    The Nurse's Role in Providing Spiritual Care - Is It OK to Pray?

    I wonder how happy many of people here would be praying with the satanist patient, or the wiccan, muslim or buddist patient? My obligation as an RN is about supporting a patient to best get their religous needs met. That has included - Gett...
  22. She didn't read the vial of medication versed, a glass phial that doesnt need to be reconstituted vercuronium bromide, has a red cap and a warning in large letters 'paralytic' and needed to be reconsituted. Even if I take nothing else...
  23. Tenebrae


    Pay them comparably compared to other agencies. I worked in hospice and we were underpaid considerably compared to the local hospital.
  24. This is a new Zealand handbook so the drugs may have different names,. its a great resource https://www.hospice.org.nz/resources/palliative-care-handbook/