
x4livin ADN

ICU, MS, BHU, Flight RN, Admin

I've been across the nursing spectrum, I think I'll just settle down here in medsurg and retire in a few years.

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About x4livin

x4livin has 30 years experience as a ADN and specializes in ICU, MS, BHU, Flight RN, Admin.

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  1. Behavioral home health help!

    It's great until the HH begins to care more about numbers than the CMs safety, and you begin to have to jump through hoops and feel like you are having to defend yourself when you have to leave an...
  2. Nurses, invent what you want.

    THIS is genius. I wonder if a bladder scanner would pick up a liquid volume on a stomach. I am going to try that for kicks at work and see if it picks up
  3. Nurses, invent what you want.

    I have been trying to get someone to invent aerosol valium (in a spray can...like fly spray or air freshener) for years. I think it could be good for the staff, patients, families. make it a nice,...
  4. A few years ago, we were talking about how cool it would be to have a way to hook suction up to a patient's genitals and simply vacuum away the urine, and then someone invented the primafit. Years...
  5. I'm the worst CNA they ever had

    I notice a lot of folks are believing that the CNA flipped the lights on...I got that the patient was the only one flipping lights. The CNA stated that she could see, the pt insisted, then changed her...
  6. How happy are you as a rural nurse

    Yeah, I'm pretty happy with it, but like above poster, I can't vote in the poll. I have worked in large hospitals, in every possible department(med/surg, ICU, CCU, ER, House sup, rehab, behavioral,...
  7. I am lucky to be working for(for 10 years now) a hopsital that doesn't much do this stuff. If we ask for supplies, it is the time it takes to get it delivered that we wait. The PTO is pretty straight...
  8. I think I'm in over my head :/

    Only you can answer that. Ask yourself these questions, then be ok with your answers. How much do you want it? Do you want it now? Which do you value more? Is it ok to stay where you are? Achieving...
  9. It depends. I work at two hospitals. One large, one small. At the larger one, cell phones are supposed to be in lockers for the whole shift, never on you. Most don't lock them in lockers, but checking...
  10. I was called upon to assist in making a decision as to who can give informed consent for blood. This was the information I was given at the time of the call: Pt was admitted through ER to OR, was...
  11. Nursing Superstitions?

    This is actually written in the policy at a very small rural hospital that I work PRN at. It has been around since hospitals hve
  12. How long did you stay at your 1st job?

    1 month, the place was horrendous. Beyond that, mostly several years
  13. Something I Wanted to Share

    Aids make the best nurses. They make the best bosses too. They've been there and they willingly jump in and do things other nurses concider benieth them.
  14. Worked with a little LVN at a rural hosp, new nurse, who also had never cooked for herself(brought potted ham when asked to bring canned ham to thanksgiving night potluck at wk) She would go clean her...
  15. Nope..doesn't matter. Are you licensed to practice with good references? Yes? Well, then I'll be making you that job