
NurseNora BSN, RN


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About NurseNora

NurseNora has 56 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in L&D.

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  1. Books for beginners

    Join AWHONN, save money on books, conferences, and classes. Get Principals and Practices of Fetal Heart Monitoring and take the online class in Basic Fetal Monitoring. The Labor Progress Handbook by...
  2. CNA in L&D

    In my last hospital CNAs did a lot in L&D, but not much direct patient care. Ambulating a patient to the bathroom was about the only patient care they did. They set up delivery instrument tables....
  3. New Grad in L&D

    The Labor Progress Handbook by Penny Simkin is really good for physical interventions to get baby in the best position for labor to progress. Rotating the head from OP to OA. Resolving an asynclytic...
  4. Feeling discouraged

    I worked LD for 45 years and loved my last delivery as much as my first. Every once in a while you will have a period with no patients. Every once in a while you'll run out of beds (I once had a...
  5. What happened to molar pregnancies before modern medicine?

    I also remember when RhoGam was brand new and we were still delivering lots of babies to moms who had been sensitized before it was available. I saw lots of babies with
  6. What happened to molar pregnancies before modern medicine?

    I remember the spontaneous delivery of a molar pregnancy in the early 70's. She was not quite 20 weeks and looked term with large twins. I don't remember how many large specimen containers we filled...
  7. Is this folklore or an old wives tale?

    Once they're moving around and passing gas, they can go back to using straws. You just don't want to add gas until they're able to get rid of
  8. Can you not be Type A and be a good nurse in L&D?

    I was a labor nurse for 45 years, no way am I a Type A personality. I'm more of a gow with the flow kinda gal. Everyone has mentioned things going wrong, and that does happen, but the majority of the...
  9. Amniotic Fluid Embolism Patient - I wouldn't wish it on any nurse.

    I have cared for two women with AFE, now called Anaphylactoid Syndrome of Pregnancy, both moms died, both babies survived. I called a code for the first one-AND NO ONE CAME. People thought it was a...
  10. Only Crusty Old Bats will remember..

    Scrub dresses that snapped at the neck and tied at the waist. Once an anesthesist left the patient to wander around the room, stopped by me to "check the chart" and stuck his hand in the back of my...
  11. Only Crusty Old Bats will remember..

    We called it a brain patch. I'd forgotten
  12. False Pregnancy (Pseudocyesis)

    A hydatidiform mole is a pregnancy. The placenta just takes over and grows abnormally into small white grape-like clusters. They grow quickly and the uterus becomes much larger than it should be...
  13. Interview with Nurse Educator & Staff RN

    Hopefully the. Educator will be interested in your thoughts on your learning style, and assessing your learning
  14. How can I educate fellow nurses?

    Be a good example and do it yourself. Mention how much more easily the baby went to the breast than with this oman's first section when they were separated. Tell patients your facility is just...
  15. Week 11 of orientation... Lack of confidence :(

    Ask to sit in on some preparation for childbirth classes to learn about some helpful coaching skills. I forgot to mention that