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  1. Kaplan Readiness Test and NCLEX

    Thank you! God willing everything goes well! I found this conversion chart, does it look like the one you got from Kaplan? Guide to Monitoring Kaplan/LWW Integrated
  2. Kaplan Readiness Test and NCLEX

    I just took my readiness exam and got 64%. Is this score given by Kaplan really indicative of passing
  3. Has anyone taken NCLEX recently? 2014

    Thank you for your response! Im praying everything goes well. Congrats on passing Woo Hoo!! Did you feel like you recognized the Medications they asked you? I heard from a few people they saw lots of...
  4. Has anyone taken NCLEX recently? 2014

    Awesome Congrats!! Thank you for your response and encouragement
  5. Hi I am taking the NCLEX in 3 days and I am super nervous. I have read content and used 100% of Kaplan's QBANK and Q trainers. Did anyone find that Kaplan actually helped you in the NCLEX? Grateful...