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All Content by pvp61190

  1. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    @nursetor yes, it's basically like a mini contract before we actually get hired!
  2. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    I got my email today for acceptance into the adult acute care! It definitely hasn't set in yet but I am so excited for the program, nashville, and to make some new friends
  3. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    so happy I decided to check this for updates right before I went to bed hahaha now I'm never going to fall asleep.. crossing my fingers, good luck everyone! and those on the waitlist, I saw in previous years a lot of people offered positions at vandy...
  4. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    Thanks @ama3t that's what I was looking for! I interviewed for adult acute care too, how do you like it? @NorthernRN77 maybe they were just able to get all they needed from you in that time, what track were you interviewing for? At the end they left ...
  5. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    I know they have to talk to the department heads and figure out the needs of the floors first I just meant compared to past years how many they have taken for each track approximately..
  6. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    ** MAY!
  7. Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Summer 2014

    does anyone know approximately how many positions are available for each track ? I think my interview went well but I don't want to get my hopes up because I also don't really know how many people were interviewed.. anyone have any insight? I intervi...