Lena M

Lena M

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All Content by Lena M

  1. I apologize if this is not the right forum to post on...this is my first time back on this website in a very long time. I really appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. I was in a 2 year Nursing School program at my local community college when I ...
  2. Should I quit?

    First off, I'd like to explain that I am not and have never been a quitter. I worked full timebhours all through high school and my pre reqs, and am very head strong. I was positive I wanted to be a nurse, absolutely positive. I researched and went o...
  3. Should I quit?

    I just wanted to thank you all for the advice, I really appreciate the support. Unfortunately, this program and the stress of pushing medications has become too much for me, I have become rather unhealthy and have ultimately decided to leave my progr...
  4. Should I quit?

    anh06005 I have to say that your answer has relieved me quite a bit ha. If that is the case I would feel much more comfortable pursuing this.
  5. Should I quit?

    Sorry for the confusion, I feel like I cannot do anything right in the program regarding meds, considering the main focus is medication.. I am second guessing whether I feel comfortable with possibly killing someone with one mistake for the rest of m...
  6. Two Dreams?

    First off, I hope I am posting in the correct forum here. I am only a Nursing student, however I really wanted some insight from current/past nurses who have been/are already where I hope to be in a few years. Anyway, I am posting this question beca...
  7. Hi there, I'm a new member on this sight but I've been reading posts on here for a long time. Well, my situation is, I'm 17 and I am a full time Dual Enrollment student at a comm. college taking my nursing pre-reqs(pretty much instead of taking my...
  8. LadyFree28-It will not be covered no, and I'm hoping to go to an RN track and then BSN after so the community colleges do not have dorms, either. However, if I decided to choose the 4 year track I may look into those options, if they are less expensi...
  9. Hi there, I'm a new member on this site but I've been reading posts on here for a long time. Well, my situation is, I'm 17 and I am a full time Dual Enrollment student at a community college taking my nursing pre-reqs (pretty much instead of taking m...
  10. Now after hearing some things here I'm also going to look into the option of a single dorm and see what the situations are at each college. Thanks for the advice!
  11. nae312213-Alright great thank you. At almost every information session for the schools I've been accepted into they of course tell me it's impossible. So that's great to know thank you.
  12. ShelbyaStar-my apologies on replying to your advice so late, thought I would get no more answers honestly and stopped checking in but my gosh your advice was seriously soo helpful, thanks so much!
  13. BklynEMT- my apologies for never answering, honestly thought I had gotten all of my answers so I stopped checking in haha. Thank you so much!
  14. Ecl09-Thank you!
  15. RubyVee-I actually have a truck already, in my area it's pretty much impossible to get around with out one haha, so luckily that's not a problem for me. And I'll definitely look around for something like that too, thanks!
  16. ant2cory-I'd really rather not live in a dorm do to personal situations, but I'll definitely look into a college apartment type of thing like you mentioned. Thanks for the idea!
  17. I'd really rather not live in a dorm do to personal situations, but I'll definitely look into a college apartment type of thing like you mentioned. Thanks for the idea!
  18. Thank you both for the input, I appreciate it!
  19. Heathermaizey-Ah thank you for sharing your experience, definitely the kind of specific help I was looking for. Thank you! And 4boysmama- Thank you, that's very kind of you to say! That's an option I had never really looked into before(so many PCA po...
  20. Shayboo-Let me just say, wow do you impress me! Haha thank you so much for the encouragement!
  21. Nurse2b9742-No worries, no child at the moment but if that were my situation that is some great, kind advice! And that's unfortunate that they didn't have it then but hey, 36 or 20, what you're doing is still awesome. Thanks!
  22. RusticSandy-I'll definitely be looking into that now, thank you so much!!
  23. Just for a record on the boyfriend note, I appreciate all the advice on that but that's not really a concern at all here, so no worries, I just mentioned that as though I'll either have him or maybe a roommate to split costs with in the future. That'...
  24. Wow, JillzyC, your post was a huge help, and ICUman it's great to know that by working hard such as you both do I can pull it off(I'm at least most certainly going to try now now). Thank you both so much for the encouragement and advice!
  25. Yeah I completely understand that response, if I could go for dorm living I would, but like I mentioned it's unfortunately not possible for my personal situation and responsibilities. Thanks for the advice though!