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All Content by vegnurse21

  1. I started 5 weeks ago and this is 100% how I feel about it. It's completely self taught, I would love to have their jobs..they don't do anything
  2. Humana Employees

    Umm..I couldn't have dreamed up a better job than what Humana has offered me as a care manager. I love the company and love my job. Of course there's metrics to meet, that's how anywhere is. It is a...
  3. Travel Case Manager

    I had no idea you could even do this lol. Let us know how it's
  4. For nurses who work from home

    I know I'm pretty late to this but I would be interested in finding out where some you all that hate working from home in CM are working. I work from home w/insurance and LOVE IT. I don't have kids...
  5. Intake Nurse

    Intake at my facility was very different. We did screenings via the telephone and got patients from outlying facilities. We only went to the ER if there was a conflict of some kind between the...
  6. Changing Attitudes of a Psych Nurse

    I had to leave bedside psych nursing for the exact reasons you mentioned in your original post. I was having nightmares about knocking a patient out cold because they can just be such jerks. I DO...
  7. How hard really is intermediate Care

    I am on my feet literally for at least 10+ hours of the day on a step down unit. Sometimes the whole entire shift. It's so crazy because we have tons of post op patients who are out of the critical...
  8. Gift for a new grad nurse

    Etsy has some absolutely adorable nurse things that you can get personalized. A friend of mine just graduated and I got her this really cute sticker for her car with her initials inside of a...
  9. From my limited googling on this subject, step-down in any form does NOT count and they want you to have experience with invasive lines and swans. Stepdown, ER, PACU, none of those count. It has to be...
  10. Nursing Salary Survey 2014

    Location: Southwest Ohio Pay: $26/hr Area: Step down RN with 1 class left of BSN Years of experience: 8 Full time Shift diff is $4/hr for evenings/ shift diff for weekends at all. This...
  11. Forgive me for my username...I picked it out 10+ years ago when I was entering nursing school . Just giving my background...2 years med/surg, 6 years of psych, just now started on a cardiac step-down...
  12. Level of comfort in practice?

    Thank you guys. :) She never called for my phone appt when she was supposed to btw I was quite annoyed. I have to wonder with the amount of schools offering NP now especially online (which is the way...
  13. Level of comfort in practice?

    Thank you Brit! Very helpful! I have an appt today at 3 to speak with someone about the program close to me.
  14. Level of comfort in practice?

    LOL I agree with you on that. I have done tons of youtube-ing with this new floor I'm on just trying to get the grasp of things. It's been immensely
  15. Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatric Nursing?

    No I am aware of this but the OP didn't specify NP, they just said psychiatric nursing. And I would NOT feel comfortable going to a PMHNP that didn't have extensive experience first since they are...
  16. Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatric Nursing?

    How can the two even compare?? Maybe I'm naive on the psychologist arena, but psych nursing is SO much different than having an office and listening to someone for an hour per day. As a nurse, you are...
  17. Psychiatric Nursing/Psych NP: The Content and the Lifestyle

    It's nice most of you have that time to spend with patients! Before JACHO got so documentation-heavy I used to spend a ton of time with the patients. We would talk, color, watch ball games, etc on TV....
  18. Geodon IM

    We use it as our first line emergency IM. We usually mix with ativan as well. When mixed it does the job quick and well, but people are a bit too snowed, so unless someone is REALLY agitated I just...
  19. Roll Call 4580 Leadership, Starting 3/25/13

    So frustrated. I do really well in all of my classes through this program and now have an 88 in this one. With the submission of this paper I'm afraid I'm not going to pass. This paper was so unfair...
  20. I am so disappointed. I have done psych for the past 6 years and did 2 years of med/surg prior to. I did days, then nights for med/surg, and have done days for psych. We underwent a change in...
  21. Tell me more about your PCT's....

    I would say 3/4. There are a few lazy ones but for the most part our PCT's work SOOOOOO hard and are so
  22. Is this what nursing has turned in to?

    Yeesh. I am so sad to see that so many others have similar or even worse circumstances. Congrats to the woman above who got a new job after the horrid clinic job! SBAR for bathroom breaks?!?! You...
  23. Disagreeing with MD Treatments

    Oh honey, I am right there with you and it is a helpless, awful feeling. We are not quite as gung ho on the ECT treatments as your facility seems to be, but I see people being diagnosed with disorders...
  24. Code Blue!

    This is going to sound really silly as I've had CPR classes twice now! But I honest to goodness would freak out if one of my patients coded one day. I'm a PCA and I *know* it is bound to happen...
  25. Travel nurses - any regrets?

    Just wondering. I'm 25, been a nurse for almost 6 years now. I am in the process of getting into a RN-BSN program right now that should take around 2 years maybe? I did med/surg for two years and have...